Publication Scheme

The publication scheme lists the types of information that we publish and how to access the information.
Our publication scheme has been approved by the Information Commissioner's Office, who is responsible for promoting good practice and ensuring compliance with Freedom of Information (FOI) and Data Protection Laws.
Information on this page
What is the intention of the scheme?
The scheme is intended to allow us to be transparent with the information made available to you.
Some information may not be made available because:
- The disclosure of which is prevented by law or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act
- It is in draft form
- The information is no longer readily available, i.e. archive storage
Some information, in exceptional circumstances, may only be viewed in person. In such circumstances, an appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.
Obligations under legislation, e.g. disability, discrimination or translation, will be adhered to when providing information in accordance with this scheme.
Charges which may be made for information
Where the information available under this scheme is provided on this website, this is free of charge.
Charges may be made if the information is requested in other formats:
- Photocopying
- Postage and packaging
- Costs directly incurred as a result of personal viewing
Before any charges are made, confirmation will be sought from you and may be requested prior to the issue of such information.
Written requests
Information held by us that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing, when its provision will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Who we are and what we do
Information about the council's structure, locations and contacts:
- The council's constitution
- The decision making process
- The decision making plan
- Location and opening times of council properties
- Contact details for Customer-facing departments
Council Decisions
- The council's meetings, committees and sub-committees
- The council's agendas, reports and minutes of meetings
- dates of council meetings
- The council's question time
- The council's Directorate Structure
- Current elected councillors, including names and addresses
- The council's democratic structure
- representatives on outside organisations
- The council's member's allowances scheme
- Members' declarations of interest
- The code of conduct for members
Mayoralty / Civic Information
- The biography of the current Mayor
- The history of the Preston Guild - the link takes you to our sister website Visit Preston
- The history of Mayoralty
- the history of Preston - the link takes you to our sister website Visit Preston
- The previous Mayors
The Mayor's diary is not available online.
To invite the Mayor to a function please complete the Invite the Mayor online form and a member of the team will be in touch.
You can also contact the Mayor's office:
- In writing - Mayor's Office, First Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906818
- Email -
- How to apply for a postal vote
- How to register to vote
- Most recent election results
Returns of election expenses need to be sent to Claire Standring:
- In writing - Head of Electoral Services, Resources Directorate, Second Floor, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906115
- Email -
Register of Electors
Access to the register of electors is limited by the - Representation of People Act Regulations 2002. To access this information please contact the Head of Electoral Services on the above contact information.
- Register of Electors
- Marked Register of Electors
- Marked List of Postal Voters
Partnership Decisions
What we spend and how we spend it
Information about the council's projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audits:
Certain information may be exempt under S22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
- Budgets and spending
- Capital Spending Programme
- Senior Officers Pay
- Treasury Management
- Annual Statement of Accounts
- Annual Audit Report
- Members Allowances Scheme and the allowances paid under it to Councillors each year
- Council spending over £250
Spending Reviews
To access information on spending reviews please contact the City Treasurer:
- In writing to - Jackie Wilding, Director of Resources, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906994
- Email -
Audit Reports
To access information on audit reports please contact the Chief Internal Auditor:
- In writing to - Chief Internal Auditor 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906012
Staff Allowances, staff expenses, staff pay and staff grading structure
We do not publish this information on our website, to access this information please contact the Head of Workforce:
- In writing to - Kath O'Flaherty, Head of Workforce, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906371
- Email -
Internal Financial Regulations
We do not publish this information on our website, to access this information please contact the City Treasurer:
- In writing to - Jackie Wilding, Director of Resources, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906994
- Email -
Funding for Partnership Arrangements
We do not publish this information on our website, to access this information please contact the Head of Policy and External Relations:
- In writing to - Nicole Billington, Head of Policy and External Relations, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906349
- Email -
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategies, plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews:
Economic Development
We do not publish the Capital Strategy on our website, to access this information please contact the City Treasurer:
- In writing to - Jackie Wilding, Director of Resources, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906994
- Email -
How we make decisions
- Timetable of Council Meetings
- Agendas, officer's reports, background papers and minutes of Council, Committees, Sub-Committee and Panel meetings
- Major Policy Proposals and Decisions
- Public Consultations
Our policies and procedures
Information about the council's written protocols, policies and procedures.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018
- Policy Statement
- Incorrect Information - What can I Do?
- Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
The Council's Electoral Registration Notification Documents (Z6994510 and Z5613272) can be accessed on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website.
We do not publish the Procedure for Appointment of Staff, the Fair Employment Policy and the Harassment Policy on our website, to access this information please contact the Head of Workforce:
- In writing to - Kath O'Flaherty, Head of Workforce, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906371
- Email -
Local Government Ombudsman Reports
We do not publish the Local Government Ombudsman Report, we would only do so if Ombudsman produced a report. We also do not publish our Risk Management Policy, for more information please contact the Assistant Director (City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer):
- In writing to - Caron Parmenter, Assistant Director (City Solicitor and Monitoring Officer), Resources Directorate, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906373
- Email -
Records Management Policy and Retention Schedule
We do not publish the Records Management Policy and the Retention Schedule, to access this information please contact the Governance Officer:
- In writing to - Simon Ridgway, Information Governance Officer, Resources Directorate, Town Hall Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906848
- Email -
Collections Development Policy (Museum)
We do not publish the Collections Development Policy (Harris Museum), to access this information please contact the Harris Museum:
- In writing to - The Harris Museum Manager, Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Market Square, Preston, PR1 2PP
- Telephone - 01772 905493
Environmental Health
Fraud and Corruption
To access the Anti Money Laundering Policy please contact the Chief Internal Auditor:
- In writing to - Chief Internal Auditor 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906012
Asset Management
We do not publish the Asset Management Plan, to access this information please contact the Head of Property Management:
- In writing to - Head of Property Management, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906519
Parks and Streetscene
- Children and Young People's Play Provision Strategy
We do not publish the High Hedges Policy and the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, to access this information please contact the Assistant Director (Head of Neighbourhood Services):
- In writing to - Mark Taylor, Assistant Director (Head of Neighbourhood Services), Communities and Environment Directorate, Argyll Road, Preston, PR1 6JY
- Telephone - 01772 903623
- Email -
Consultation and Participation Strategy
We do not publish the Consultation and Participation Strategy, to access this information please contact the Head of Policy and External Relations:
- In writing to - Nicole Billington, Head of Policy and External Relations, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906349
- Email -
Corporate Enforcement Policy
We do not publish the Corporate Enforcement Policy, to access this information please contact our Group Solicitor (Litigation):
- In writing to - Group Solicitor (Litigation), 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906875
- Email -
Equality and diversity
We do not publish the Homelessness Review, to access this information please contact the Senior Housing Advisory Officer:
- In writing to - Senior Housing Advisory Officer, Housing Advisory Services, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906404
- Email -
Food business
We do not publish the Food Safety Regulation Strategy, to access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager
- In writing to - Simon Neighbour, Environmental Health Manager, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906160
- Email -
Health and Safety
We do not publish the Health and Safety Regulation Plan, to access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager
- In writing to - Simon Neighbour, Environmental Health Manager, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906160
- Email -
We do not publish the ICT Strategy, to access this information please contact the Assistant Director (Head of ICT and Customer Contact):
- In writing to - Assistant Director (Head of ICT and Customer Contact), Customer Services Directorate, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906041
- Email -
Preston Tourism
- Preston tourism and visitor strategy - Visit Preston - About Preston
Public Registers and Registers held as Public Records
Pollution Control Registers
- Cement Batching Permits
- Dry Cleaners Permits
- Mobile Crushing and Screening Permits
- Petrol Vapour Recovery Permits
- Respray Permits
We do not publish the, Public Register for Radioactive Substances, to access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager:
- In writing to - Chris Hodson, Environmental Health Manager, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906154
- Email -
We do not publish the Public Register of Private Water Supplies, to access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager:
- In writing to - Simon Neighbour, Environmental Health Manager, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906160
- Email -
Dog Control Registers
Licensing Public Registers
Public Register for Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licences
Current Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licences applications
We do not publish the Register of Food Businesses, to access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager
- In writing to - Simon Neighbour, Environmental Health Manager, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906160
- Email -
Land and Property Information
Land Charges
We do not publish the Register of Local Land Charges, to access this information please contact our Legal Services team:
- In writing to - Land Charges, Legal Services, Resources Directorate 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906119
- Email -
Member Services
We do not publish the Register of gifts and hospitality, to access this information please contact the Head of Member Services:
- In writing to - Head of Member Services, Resources Directorate, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906112
- Email -
Register of Electors
We do not publish the Register of Electors. Access to the Register is limited by the Representation of People Act Regulations 2002. For further information please contact the Head of Electoral Services:
- In writing - Head of Electoral Services, Resources Directorate, Second Floor, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906115
- Email -
Services provided by the Council
Information about the services the council provides including leaflets, guidance and newsletters:
For Cemeteries, Crematorium and the Interment Register please contact the Cemetery and Crematorium Officer:
- In writing - Clarke Taylor, Cemetery and Crematorium Officer, Cemetery Office, New Hall Lane, Preston, PR1 4SY
- Telephone - 01772 463387
- Email -
For the Charity Schemes please contact our legal team:
- In writing - Wendy Kearns, Solicitor (Regulatory), Resources Directorate, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906514
- Email -
Cultural Recreational Information
- Allotments information
- Housing Benefit
- Reporting Fraud
- The Harris
- Preston Parks details and activities
- Visit Preston
- Debt Advice
- Hygiene ratings of food premises
- Non-domestic rate information
- GOV.UK - Valuation Office Agency
- Ground Maintenance
- Housing
- GOV.UK - Homelessness statistics
- Advice for Landlords
- Licensing
- Preston Markets
- Refuse Collection
- Street Cleansing
- Media Releases
- Election information
We do not publish a list of prohibition/improvement notices served on workplaces. This only applies to notices affecting parts of workplaces to which the public have access.
To access this information please contact the Environmental Health Manager
- In writing to - Simon Neighbour, Environmental Health Manager, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906160
- Email -
We do not publish the Various service information leaflets and the Sports Pitch Lettings, to access this information please contact the Assistant Director (Head of Neighbourhood Services):
- In writing to - Mark Taylor, Assistant Director (Head of Neighbourhood Services), Communities and Environment Directorate, Argyll Road, Preston, PR1 6JY
- Telephone - 01772 903623
- Email -
We do not publish the Footpath Orders, Stopping up orders, Traffic Orders and Traffic Calming Information, to access this information please contact our Legal Services team:
- In writing to - Legal Services, Resources Directorate, 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906514
- Email -
- Local Plan information
- Planning Policy
- Planning and associated application forms
- Schedule of charges
- Planning - pre-application advice services
- Listed Buildings
Certain information may be exempt under S41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We do not publish Article 4 Directions, to access this information please contact our Conservation Officer:
- In writing to - Conservation Officer, Development and Housing Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906598
- Email -
Building Services and Facilities Management
We do not publish the Public Buildings Management (Non-Housing) and Public building repairs and maintenance, to access this information please contact our Operational Property Manager:
- In writing to - David Tomlinson, Operational Property Manager, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906536
- Email -
We do not publish the Energy and Utilities management, to access this information please contact our Energy/Facilities Officer:
- In writing to - Nick Balderstone, Energy/Facilities Officer, Communities and Environment Directorate, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906437
- Email -