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The Environmental Information Regulations 2004

Renewable Energy icon - Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) provide you with a right of access to a wide range of environmental information held by the council. They have been in force since 1992, although they have been updated to tie in with the - Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Environmental Information relates to:

  • The state of elements of the environment i.e. air, water, etc. 
  • The state of human health and safety, conditions of human life, the food chain
  • Substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste affecting or likely to affect the state of the elements of environmental interaction between them 
  • Administrative measures, policies, legislation, plans, programmes and environmental agreements 
  • Emissions, discharges and other releases into the environment 
  • Cost benefit and other economic analysis used in environmental decision making

How to make an EIR request

There are 2 routes to accessing information via the Environmental Information Regulations:

The council already produces a Publication Scheme. There is also a guide to the types of information that the authority routinely publishes, the format in which the information is available, where it is available and how much it will cost if there are any charges. 

If the information you want is not available via the Guide to Information, or available elsewhere on the council's website you may make a specific request for information and the council must deal with it in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

You can make a request by completing our request for information form.

Request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Alternatively you can make your request in writing. Include your name and address and the information you require in as much detail as you can offer.

You can also telephone the Information Governance Officer on 01772 906849 to request for information.

Facts about EIR

  • You can request the information over the telephone and do not need to put it in writing
  • You will be able to say in what format you wish to receive the information
  • The timescale for responses is 20 working days
  • The council can make charges within reason for supplying information under EIR
  • The council does not have to provide information which is already publicly available
  • EIR have some exceptions

What exceptions apply?

Some information is not available if it would adversely affect:

  • International relations, defence, national security or public safety
  • The course of justice, the ability of a person to receive a fair trial or the ability of the authority to conduct an enquiry of a criminal or disciplinary nature
  • Where to provide information would breach someone's intellectual property rights
  • Where information is commercially confidential
  • Where the information relates to the protection of the environment

Information is also not available if it is information which is:

  • Still in the course of completion
  • Relates to internal documents which are confidential
  • Where the request is so vague that we cannot tell you what you want and you refuse to be more specific
  • Where the request is manifestly unreasonable because of the time and burden that it would place on the resources of the authority
  • We can make a nominal charge for disbursements e.g. photocopying at 10 pence per A4 sheet. If a charge for searching for information is payable we will advise you but the information you have requested will not be supplied until that fee is paid.

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