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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Preston City Centre Plan

Preston lamb

The Adopted City Centre Plan is an area action plan, and sits alongside our  Preston Local Plan (Site Allocations).

Preston City Centre is the main retail and service centre in Central Lancashire, and is ranked first in the Lancashire Sub-region for non-food shopping. It is a centre for commercial and administrative activity and is home to a major university. It has a railway station situated on the West Coast Main Line offering excellent commuter links locally and nationally.

Given this wide-ranging role, planning positively for the future of the city centre is crucial. The plan will provide a framework to deliver our aspirations for the city centre.

The Preston City Centre Area Action Plan

The City Centre Plan was adopted by Preston City Council on 30 June 2016.

The adopted plan documents

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