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Data protection and freedom of information

Person with padlock

Are we holding incorrect information about you

What to do if we are holding inaccurate personal data about you.

Data protection policy statement

Information on our Data Protection Policy Statement and how we handle data.

Requests for information under Data Protection legislation

How to make a subject access request including images captured on CCTV systems.

Open data

We strive to be open and accountable in the way we do business.

Freedom of Information Act

How to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Publication Scheme

A list of the types of information we publish and where to find it.

Re-use of Public Sector Information

How to apply to re-use council information and if it is already available via Open data.


A list of byelaws currently in existence which cover all or parts of the Preston area.

The Environmental Information Regulations 2004

How to access environmental related information and how to make a request for information.

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