Planning policy

The Planning Policy team is responsible for preparing and reviewing the development plan documents.
These documents set out how land and buildings in the area should be used by the local planning authority to determine planning applications.
All our planning policies have to fit with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which is used in the decision making process.

Central Lancashire Local Plan
Joint partnership work with South Ribble and Chorley Council.

Preston's Local Plan
The Local Plan will identify where new housing, employment, retail, leisure and open space will go in the next 15 years.

Neighbourhood Planning
Details of existing neighbourhood plans in Preston and how to prepare a plan.

Supporting and Supplementary Planning Documents
Supplementary Planning Documents give further guidance on specific policy topic areas.

Central Lancashire Core Strategy
The Strategy sets the overall strategic direction for planning over the period 2010 to 2026, in line with national policies.

Preston City Centre Plan
The adopted City Centre plan which is an area action plan and sits alongside our Preston Local Plan.

Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
The CIL is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area.

Evidence library
When preparing policy documents, it is very important to have strong and credible evidence to support them.

The latest Housing Land Position Statement from March 2019 until March 2013.

Planning policy consultations
Current Planning policy consultations and information on the joint Local Plan.

Self-build and custom house building register
A register of individuals and associations of individuals who express an interest in acquiring a serviced plot of land.

Brownfield Land Register
The register identifies land suitable for housing to provide information on local availability.