Pre 2017 evidence library

When preparing policy documents, it is very important to have strong and credible evidence to support them. This evidence can take a variety of forms and cover many topics.
Central Lancashire Employment Land Study - November 2017
The Employment Land review, examined the economic and development needs of the Central Lancashire Area in terms of future land provision, covering both urban and surrounding rural areas, for the period up to 2034.
This study includes a Technical Report and a Key Issues Report.
- Employment Land Review to 2021 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Employment Land Review Appendix 1 (PDF, 154 KB)
- Employment Land Review - Appendix 2 (PDF, 140 KB)
- Site Appraisals for Chorley (PDF, 803 KB)
- Site Appraisals for Preston (PDF, 1 MB)
- Site Appraisals for South Ribble (PDF, 708 KB)
Strategic housing market assessment - September 2017
A comprehensive survey of housing, looking at the housing market and local housing needs across a wide range of tenures and client groups, within the central Lancashire housing market area.
Cinema Provision Preston City Centre - September 2014
Examined a number of city centre location's for accommodating and recognising that the cinema would also be accompanied by a number of food and beverage units.
The Economic and Regeneration Impact of a Cinema Development in Preston City Centre - August 2014
Tested the case for a cinema development in the city centre and considers the benefits it could bring and was prepared alongside the Cinema Provision Preston City Centre study.
Housing Needs and Demand Assessment - December 2013
In March 2013, Michael Dyson Associates in partnership with Outside Consultants was commissioned by Preston City Council and South Ribble Borough Council to carry out Housing Needs and Demand Assessment (HNDA) for each local authority area.
Preston City Centre Retail and Leisure Study - May 2013
Assessed the future capacity for comparison (non-food) goods and convenience (food) goods, as well as an assessment of future leisure need within the city centre.
Preston Hotel Needs Assessment - April 2013
An assessment of the hotel market in Preston and the wider urban area and examined the 'need' for new hotel accommodation, both now and in the future.
Quarter-bridge Markets Report - March 2013
Advised the Council on what is needed to ensure a sustainable Market for Preston and how we can continue to provide a low-cost food offer in the city centre.
Central Lancashire Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan - June 2012
Provides a clear, strategic framework for the maintenance and improvement of existing playing pitches and ancillary facilities between 2012 and 2026.
Central Lancashire PPG17 Open Space Study - May 2012
Prepared using the national guidance set out "assessing needs and opportunities": A companion guide to planning policy guidance 17.
- Central Lancashire PPG17 open space study - implications and recommendations (PDF, 863 KB)
- Central Lancashire PPG17 open space study - audit report (PDF, 3 MB)
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - September 2010
Provides an evidence base on the potential housing land supply across Central Lancashire to inform the Core Strategy and Local Plan.
- Central Lancashire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Stage 7c report (PDF, 852 KB)
- Central Lancashire SHLAA Stage 7c Addendum (PDF, 137 KB)
- Central Lancashire Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Supplement (PDF, 43 KB)
Central Lancashire Retail and Leisure Review - March 2010
To understand the shopping and leisure behaviour of residents in Central Lancashire, as well as carrying out a 'health check' of shopping centres and to assess any future needs for shopping and leisure uses.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - December 2007
The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, assessed the fluvial and tidal flood risk across the study area.
- Central Lancashire Flood risk assessment (PDF, 677 KB)
- Central Lancashire Flood risk assessment - appendix A (PDF, 27 KB)
- Central Lancashire Flood risk assessment - Appendix B (PDF, 3 MB)
- Central Lancashire Flood risk assessment - Appendix C to O (PDF, 2 MB)
Central Lancashire office needs assessment - October 2006
Determined the office needs in terms of future land provision up to 2021.
- Office needs assessment - section 1 - 3 (PDF, 287 KB)
- Office needs assessment - section 4 and 5 (PDF, 764 KB)
- Office needs assessment - section 6 (PDF, 259 KB)
- Office needs assessment - appendix 1 to 4 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Office needs assessment - appendix 5 and 6 (PDF, 523 KB)
- Office needs assessment - appendix 7 (PDF, 1 MB)