Single occupier discount

If you are the only person aged 18 or over living in your home you can apply for a 25% discount on your Council Tax bill.
If you receive Council Tax Support your 25% discount will be taken off the full amount of your Council Tax, and your Council Tax Support entitlement will be worked out again.
How do I apply?
Apply for single person discount
Disregarded persons
In certain situations, people may be disregarded when counting the number of adult residents.
If, after disregarding a person, the number of adults resident remains as one, a 25% discount is given. If all residents are disregarded, a 50% discount is given.
Disregarded persons categories
If you want to claim for a disregarded person please complete and return the appropriate online form.
- Apprentices Council Tax discount
- Carer discounts
- Child benefit discount
- Members of religious communities
- Moving into a Nursing or Care Home
- People in prison or detained
- Residential care workers
- Severe mental impairment
- A person who holds permission to enter or to stay in the United Kingdom granted under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme route.
Uploading Document for Council Tax
You can use our My Scan app to send us your documents for Council Tax.
It is a quick, easy and secure way to send us your documents 24/7 from home via your computer, tablet or smartphone.
My Scan ensures that documents securely land in our back office systems ready for processing.