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Tree problems in a neighbour's garden do not deal with tree problems in a neighbour's garden. This is the responsibility of the landowner. Types of tree problems Below are common types of tree pr...
Trees in conservation areas for consent to work on a tree in a conservation area.
Park events our annual and other events.
Bulky household waste items we collect collect the following bulky household waste collection items: Armchair Barbeque Bath Bathroom Sink Beanbag Beds Bed settee Bedside Cabinet Bedside Table Bicy...
Local Heritage list for the rural areas of Preston building, structure or area of some historical and architectural interest may be considered for inclusion on the Local List particularly if it can be shown ...
Local list selection criteria list selection criteria - Appendix B Introduction Any building, structure or area of some historical and architectural interest may be considered for incl...
Mental Health - MH:2K project is a powerful new model for engaging young people in conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing in their local area
Preston Community Safety Partnership partnerships of organisations working together to reduce, crime, anti-social behaviour, drug misuse and re-offending.
Permitted development rights - change of use government has made changes to legislation to introduce new permitted development rights. This means that you will need to give us prior notification of c...
Permitted development - house extensions development means you need to give us prior notification of certain changes rather than applying for planning permission. Who does permitted developme...