Local list selection criteria

Local list selection criteria - Appendix B
Any building, structure or area of some historical and architectural interest may be considered for inclusion on the Local List particularly if it can be shown that the asset contributes to the character of an area and is valued by local people.
There are a range of 'heritage' values that are attached to a place and they will be of varying degrees depending on the asset.
- Evidential Value; these assets will have a significant degree of physical remains of a primary source;
- Historical Value; where an asset illustrates aspects of history and the intentions of its creators and demonstrates innovation or social organisation. Historical value also includes 'association' in that a notable family, person, event or movement gives historical value a particular resonance;
- Aesthetic Value; these values derive from the way in which people draw sensory and intellectual experience. They will have a significant degree of design appeal and may be attributed to a well-known artist, architect or craftsman;
- Communal Value; assets with a significant degree of meaning to a place for those who relate to it. Commemorative and symbolic values are common but communal value can also be derived from social distinctiveness and spiritual value.
Apply to be considered for the Local List
To help guide identification and enable a nomination to be considered for inclusion on the Local List, please apply using our Local Heritage submission form.
Apply for Preston's Local Heritage list.
The form has been devised along with selection criteria guidelines, which can be found below.
- a) Does it remain in a substantial and recognisable form?
- b) Does it retain its historic features and layouts?
- c) Does it represent an important element in the development of the area?
Architectural and Design merit
- a) Is the surviving building/structure park or garden the work of a particular architect or designer which illustrates local or regional architectural history or design?
- b) Does it show qualities of age, style or distinctiveness characteristics relative to the area?
- c) Does the architectural design, details and construction materials aid to the local character of the area?
- d) Is it an example of deliberate town planning prior to 1947?
Historic Significance
- a) Is it associated with famous local people, local history events, strong community or social developments (needs to be well documented)?
- b) Does it relate closely to a statutorily designated asset (ie listed building or registered historic park)?
- c) Does it relate to an important aspect of local social, religious, political or economic history?
- d) Is it historically associated with an important local feature?
Townscape Merit
- a) Does it add a remarkable visual impact such as a landmark building or group of buildings that contribute to the character and local distinctiveness of the area?
- b) Does it contribute positively to the street scene, an important route into the area or create vistas or contribute to the skyline?