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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Taxi licences


We are responsible for the licensing of hackney carriage drivers and vehicles, and private hire drivers, vehicles and operators.

You must have the relevant drivers licence and a relevant vehicle licence to drive a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle.

Private hire operators must also have the relevant operator licence.

Replacement Taxi Sundry Items

How to request replacement taxi sundry items, i.e. badges, plates.

News and Updates

New and updates in relation to Taxi licensing

Taxi licence fees

List of taxi licence application fees.

Taxi complaints and compliments

How to make a complaint or compliment.

Taxi committee

About hearings at the Taxi and Miscellaneous Sub-Committee.

Taxi trade liaison meetings

About our meetings, including future meeting dates.

Taxi passenger safety guidance

Safety tips when using private hire and hackney carriage vehicles.

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