Taxi complaints and compliments

Taxi complaints
We take complaints made about the service provided by drivers, the condition of licensed vehicles and the customer service provided by operators very seriously.
What you need
If the service has not met your expectations please make a note of the following:
- drivers badge number or vehicle licence plate number or registration number
- time and date
- location of the incident
How to make a complaint
Once you have noted the information above, you can make a complaint by completing the following online form:
What happens next?
Your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days.
Proceedings will then begin to establish the identity of the driver, vehicle owner or operator.
The issue will be investigated and we will take appropriate action based on the nature of the complaint.
Taxi compliments
Compliments about drivers, vehicle owners or operators are always gratefully received.
How to make a compliment?
You can make a compliment by completing the following online form: