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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Notice to Mariners

i for information symbol

We, as a council, have a duty to notify mariners of Preston Dock at Riversway about any planned and reactive maintenance works or issues which may affect access to and from the docks such as:

  • maintenance works to the dock infrastructure
  • works being undertaken in or close to the River Ribble
  • issues with the Aids to Navigation that mark the training wall in the River Ribble that will require a Notice to Mariners to be issued

Who issues the Notices?

A number of statutory bodies can issue Notices to Mariners. At a local level, we issue such Notices to a number of local water related agencies (e.g. boat yards, marinas etc) directly. Publishing these Notices also allows the wider boating community and those with an interest in the operation of Preston Docks and the surrounding area to access this information. It also allows people to make informed decisions on issues that may affect them.

Current Notice to Mariners 

The following information lists the current Notice to Mariners:

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