Business rates account information

The January 2025 Business Rates Information (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 648 KB) document provides a list of companies and organisations that are liable for business rates in Preston. This does not include the names of sole traders or individuals as this is deemed as personal data.
All the information provided is what we can disclose under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
What is included in the account information?
- Property addresses, descriptions and Local Authority property references
- Empty properties and the dates that they became empty
- Current rateable values and liability start dates
- Accounts awarded mandatory relief
Information on discretionary relief is exempt from disclosure under section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act because providing it may harm the commercial interests of the business.
This information was extracted on 13 January 2025 and will be updated every quarter.
Credits on the business rates account
We can confirm that there are no outstanding credits held on our accounts as these are either in the process of being refunded or are held because the charge for empty rates is due to commence shortly.
Refunds are processed as soon as possible, preferably by direct BACS transfer and we aim to return overpayments to customers within 14 days of any credit being identified.
If a credit balance is not refunded / transferred to another account, because the company is dissolved or the ratepayer's forwarding address is untraceable, it is treated as a credit balance write on and is netted off against the NNDR pool.
Open Government Licence
This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence.
When you use this information under the Open Government Licence, you should include the following attribution: [Business rates account information, Preston City Council, (insert relevant date)], licensed under the Open Government Licence.