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Variation of a Gambling Premises Licence

Two arrows in circular shape

The holder of a premises licence may apply to the licensing authority to vary the licence by:

  • Adding, amending or removing an authorised activity
  • Amending another detail of the licence
  • Excluding a condition attached
  • Adding, amending or removing a condition attached to the licence

How much is the licence?

Large Casino£5,000
Small Casino£4,000
Bingo premises£1,750
Adult gaming centre premises£1,000
Family entertainment centre premises£1,000
Betting premises£1,500
Track premises£1,250

For additional costs please visit the Gambling fees page. 

Gambling fees

How to apply

Complete the vary a premises licence application form (PDF, 27 KB) and return to us:

Licensing Services
Environmental Health Department
Town Hall
Lancaster Road

Payment can be made card through the licensing office on 01772 906910 (option 1) using a debit or credit card.

What should I include?

Publishing a notice of application

Once you have submitted your application, you need to complete and notify responsible authorities in the following ways:

1. a notice outside the premises for 28 consecutive days where it can be read conveniently using the Governments prescribed variation notice to be published (PDF, 17 KB)

2. A notice in a newspaper or newsletter of local relevance, on at least one occasion within ten days of the application being made. This should contain the same information as the notice placed on the premises.

3. A notice to all responsible authorities within seven days of the application being made (unless made online) using the variation - responsible authorities form A (PDF, 22 KB) for individual applicants or variation - responsible authorities form B (PDF, 25 KB) for an organisation of multiple persons.

Please note: a list of responsible authorities can be found at the bottom of this page.

What if a valid representation is made?

If valid representations are received a committee hearing will be held to determine the whether the application is granted or rejected.

Appealing a rejected application

You have 21 days to appeal against a rejection or grant of a premises licence from receipt of the notice of decision from the licensing authority

The appeal should be lodged with GOV.UK - Preston Magistrates' Court.

When will I receive confirmation of the variation?

Applications can be granted after a minimum period of twenty-eight days assuming no valid representations are received.

Responsible authorities


Licensing Unit, Lancashire Police, Preston Divisional Headquarters, Lancaster Road North, Preston, PR1 2SA

Telephone - 01772 209794 extension 5

Lancashire Constabulary

Gambling Commission

Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham

Telephone - 0121 230 6666

Gambling Commission


Divisional Manager (Development Control), Environmental Services, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906580

Fire and Rescue

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Preston Fire Safety Department, Blackpool Road, Preston, PR1 6US

Telephone - 01772 556506

Lancashire Fire and Rescue

Environmental Health

Environmental Services (Noise and Nuisance) Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906151

HM Revenue and Customs

Betting and Gaming, National Registration Unit, Portcullis House, 21 India Street, Glasgow, G2 4PZ

Telephone - 0141 555 3633

HM Revenue and Customs

Protection of Children

Lancashire Safeguarding Children's, Board Manager, Room B52, Po Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ

Telephone - 01772 533495

Lancashire County Council

Licensing Services

Environmental Health Department, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906199

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