Transferring a Gambling Premises Licence

You can apply to us for a premises licence to be transferred to your name.
How much is the transferred licence?
- Small Casino - £1,800
- Bingo premises - £1,200
- Adult gaming centre premises - £1,200
- Family entertainment centre premises - £950
- Betting premises - £1,200
- Track premises - £950
For additional costings please visit the Gambling fees page.
How to apply
Complete the transfer a gambling premises licence application form (PDF, 51 KB) here and return to us:
Licensing Services
Environmental Health Department
Town Hall
Lancaster Road
Payment can be made card through the licensing office on 01772 906910 (option 1) using a debit or credit card.
What to include
- The correct gambling fee
- time the transfer is to take effect
- written statement from the licence holder consenting to the transfer
- premises licence, or both:
- a statement explaining why it is not reasonably practicable to produce the licence
- an application by the licensee for the issue of a copy of the licence
You can download a transfer responsible authorities form A (PDF, 21 KB) for individual applicants or transfer responsible authorities form B (PDF, 24 KB) for an organisation of multiple persons.
List of responsible authorities
A copy of the application must be sent to all responsible authorities within seven days of the application being made (unless made online). The responsible authorities are:
Police | Licensing Unit, Lancashire Constabulary, Preston Divisional Headquarters, Lancaster Road North, Preston, PR1 2SA | | 01772 209794 |
Fire and Rescue | Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Preston Fire Safety Department, Blackpool Road, Preston, PR1 6US | | 01772 556506 |
Environmental Protection | Environmental Protection, Environmental Health, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL | | 01772 906151 |
Gambling Commission | 4th Floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4BP | | 0121 230 6666 |
Protection of Children | Lancashire Safeguarding Children's Board, Lancashire County Council, PO Box 100, County Hall, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 0LD | ||
Planning | The Planning Authority, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL | | 01772 906912 |
HM Revenue and Customs | Betting and Gaming, National Registration Unit, Portcullis House, 21 India Street, Glasgow, G2 4PZ. | nrubetting& | 0141 555 3633 |