Preston meets Mondragón

Preston City Council and the University of Central Lancashire continue to build links with the Mondragón Co-operative Corporation as part of their ambition to encourage co-operative values in Preston as part of the Preston Model.
Mondragón seminar
A recent seminar in Preston brought together representatives from Mondragón and political, business, academic and social stakeholders to explore what Preston can learn from the Mondragón experience in terms of developing worker-owned co-operative businesses; encouraging co-operative values and principles in the workplace and in the community; and establishing a strategy for a working partnership with Mondragon.
Presentation notes
The presentations from the seminar are available to download:
- Presentation from Ander Etxeberria about Mondragon training, July 25 2018 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Presentation from Julian Manley (UCLan) and Cllr Brown (PCC Leader) July 25 2018 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Presentation from Ibon Zugasti from Mondragon, July 25 2018 (PDF, 2 MB)
For more information, please contact Dr Julian Manley at UCLan
Related Video
MONDRAGON Corporation - 2018 - English - Inglés - Anglais - Englisch - Ingelesa - Inglese - Inglês from MONDRAGON Corporation on Vimeo.