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Christmas 2024 service information

Information on opening times of council services across the Christmas period.

Domestic violence - homeless prevention

Person shouting abuse at another

Domestic abuse can take many forms such as:

  • Physical abuse - slapping, punching, spitting, pinching or grabbing
  • Emotional or mental abuse - constant criticism, threats to you or your family, not allowing you to sleep or have your freedom, with holding food or money.
  • Sexual abuse - being forced to have sex without consent or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable
  • Harassment - phone calls, following you, turning up at work or where you are socialising, sitting outside your house.

Avoiding homelessness

If you are experiencing domestic violence, it does not always mean you have to move out of your home.

You may wish to find a safe place to stay temporarily and return home later with security measures in place. You may wish to remain in your home and seek legal assistance to keep an abusive partner away. Or, you may not feel ready to end an abusive relationship but want support and advice to plan to do this in the future.

How to get help

There are a number of local support services in Preston that can help you towards a safer future.

Preston Domestic Violence Services (PDVS)

PDVS supports adults (men and women), children and young people experiencing (or having experienced) domestic and/or sexual violence.

Report a problem

You can report a domestic violence problem through the following ways:

Call - Domestic Violence Helpline on 01772 201601 (for immediate assistant call the police on 999)

Please note: support will be provided according to individual needs and offered in a range of  languages if required.

Finding another home

If you are no longer able to stay in your relationship and need to move out of your home, see Finding a home for advice on renting affordable accommodation privately or through a housing association.

Homeless eligibility assessment

If you need to move out of your home and are at risk of becoming homeless for financial or personal reasons, we may be able to help you find a home through our Homelessness advice and assistance.

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