Event Safety Advisory Group

The Event Safety Advisory Group's main purpose is to ensure that events in the city meet the best standards of public safety and event operations.
Agencies part of the Event Safety Advisory Group
It consists of representatives from the following agencies:
- Lancashire Constabulary
- Lancashire Fire and Rescue
- North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- Lancashire County Council
- Health and Safety
- Highways
- Licensing
- Environmental Health
- Parks Management
- Markets Management
- Events Team
- Estates
- Trading standards
- Cleansing and Street Scene
Representatives from associated event services, trade groups, voluntary groups, radio stations/media and other event service providers may be invited to attend as appropriate for certain events.
What does the Event Safety Advisory Group do?
The group will assess the management implications of events planned in the City to ensure that organisers are aware of their responsibilities and to ensure the safety of all attendees at events.
The group will advise on the legal and management implications of your event, to give you help and peace of mind. The Event Safety Advisory Group will be an advisory service only and not an event organising service.
The Group's main objectives are
- To promote high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice.
- To promote good practice in safety and welfare planning for events.
The Group's terms of reference include
- Ensuring that all members of the group understand their individual role
- To offer advice on the planning of an event
- To ensure that organisers have taken the necessary measures to ensure the reasonable safety of the public
- Offer advice to organisers on risk assessments
- Keep a record of the meetings and note actions arising out of them
- Where applicable hold a de-brief and make recommendations for future safety improvements
- The group will meet as is necessary, but no less that every two months.
Get in touch