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Taxi Policy - Appendix F - Dress code for licensed drivers

The Authority is committed to encouraging the professional image of the trade and it considers that drivers should conform to a minimum standard of dress, as set out below, to provide a positive image of Preston's licensed hackney carriage and private hire trades.

Dress Code

  • All clothing worn by licensed drivers whilst working must be in good condition and the driver must have good standards of personal hygiene.
  • As a minimum standard whilst working, male licensed drivers should wear trousers and a shirt which has a full body and short/long sleeves. Knee length tailored shorts are also acceptable.
  • As a minimum standard whilst working, female licensed drivers should wear trousers or a knee length skirt or dress and shirt/blouse which has a full body and short/long sleeves. Knee length tailored shorts are also acceptable.
  • Footwear whilst working shall fit i.e., be secure around the heel of both feet.

Examples of Unacceptable Standard of Dress

  • Clothing that is not kept in a clean condition, free from holes, rips, or other damage
  • Words or graphics on any clothing that is of an offensive nature or suggestive nature which might offend
  • Sportswear e.g., football/rugby kits including shirts, track suits in whole or part, beachwear
  • Sandals with no heel straps, flip flops, or any other footwear does not secure around the heel
  • The wearing of any hood or any other type of clothing that may obscure the drivers' vision or their identity


The Authority recognises the positive image that uniforms can create. This dress code does not require a licensed driver to wear a distinct uniform except for drivers of executive hire vehicles. The Authority acknowledges that nationally some operators and hackney carriage associations do require licensed drivers to wear appropriate corporate branded uniform, and this is a practice that the Authority would encourage Preston companies and associations to consider and adopt in Preston.

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