Planning Freedom of Information data

The most common freedom of information questions we get asked on planning can be found below.
What are the number of planning refusals per year?
- 2015 - 53
- 2016 - 60
- 2017 - 53
- 2018 - 55
- 2019 - 62
- 2020 - 9 (up until 21 May 2020)
Does the council offer any services on a commercial basis?
The council only offers its planning services on a commercial basis, if it is permitted by law, regarding applications and pre-application advice.
What is the number of self-build applications in any given year?
You can view this information in the Self-build and custom house building register.
You are also able to view how many self-build applications were approved and how many were refused.
Does the Council have a 5G implementation plan?
When is the Development Plan due to be adopted
The year 2023.
How many section 106 Agreements on large applications have been received?
Where is the greenbelt in Preston Council boundary?
You can view the greenbelt boundary in Preston by viewing the Planning Public map.
Number of applications for Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras since 2017
Number of applications granted permission to convert office space to residential
- 2015 - 13
- 2016 - 4
- 2017 - 6
- 2018 - 7
- 2019 - 1
Number of reported breaches of planning conditions
- 2015 - 13
- 2016 - 13
- 2017 - 48
- 2018 - 9
- 2019 - 13