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The 1 October council tax instalment has been taken one day earlier, if you have incurred bank charges, please contact your bank and inform them this has been done in error.

Club premises certificate


You need a club premises certificate if you are a social, sporting or political members club, for example working men's club or British Legion and want to:

  • Sell or supply alcohol to members or guests
  • Provide regulated entertainment, for example music, singing or dancing

What clubs can apply?

Any of the following may apply for a club premises certificate:

  • The club has premises that are occupied and used regularly for club purposes
  • alcohol and entertainment is only provided to members and their guests
  • only someone 18 or older who is nominated by the club can serve alcohol or buy it for the club
  • there is no arrangement for anyone to benefit financially from buying or selling alcohol
  • new members wait two days from their application before getting membership privileges
  • it is established and conducted in good faith
  • it has at least 25 members

How much is it?

Please visit the alcohol and entertainment licence fees page for a full list of fees and charges. 

Alcohol and entertainment licence fees

How to apply

To apply for a club premises certificate complete the following online form:

GOV.UK - apply for a club premises certificate

Alternatively you can download and complete the club premises certificate form (PDF) [361KB] and return to us:

Licensing office
Preston City Council
Town Hall
Lancaster Road

What do I need to include?

You will need to include a copy of the premises plan and a copy of the club rules. 

What happens next?

A copy of your application must also be sent to the 9 responsible authorities. We will do this on your behalf if the application is submitted electronically. If you have submitted a postal application, you will need to send a copy to those responsible authorities yourself.

You must also advertise your application in a noticeable location at the premises within a day and the local newspaper within 10 working days.

An example layout of the club premises certificate advert (PDF) [12KB] , can be viewed here.

Consultation period

There will be a consultation period of 28 days starting the day after we have received your application.

This time allows objections to be made from the following responsible authorities:

  • Police
  • Fire and Rescue Service
  • Environmental Health
  • Planning
  • Child Protection
  • Trading Standards
  • LCC Public Health Licensing
  • Home Office (Immigration Enforcement)

Objection criteria

Objections must be based on the certificate not promoting one or more of the following licensing objectives:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Protection of children from harm

If no objections are received during this time, your certificate will be granted the day after the end of the consultation period. You will receive your certificate within 10 working days.


If objections are made against the application, a hearing will be held within 20 working days from the end of the consultation period.

The decision to grant or refuse the application will be decided by the Licensing Sub Committee.

If a hearing is held the certificate can be:

  • Granted
  • Granted subject to additional conditions
  • Refused

A decision is usually made at the end of hearing. We will inform you once a decision has been made, along with the person who made the objection and the chief of police.


Anyone involved in the hearing can appeal an application if it is refused.

Appeals must be made to a Magistrates court within 21 days of the decision being made.

Annual fee

To keep the certificate valid, you will need to pay an annual fee.

For a full list of fees please visit the alcohol and entertainment licence fees.

Alcohol and entertainment licence fees

A reminder letter will be sent out to you one month before the due date.

You can pay your annual fee online using the form below.

You will need:

  • a debit or credit card
  • your invoice number

Pay your premises licence fee

Vary a club premises certificate

To change the activities on your certificate please visit the full variation - premises licence or club premises certificate or minor variation - premises licence or club premises certificate.

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