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Reviewing a Gambling Premises Licence

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Responsible authorities or interested parties may apply for a premises licence review if the licence holder is in breach of the following licence conditions:

  • Preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime
  • Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
  • Protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

Please note: a list of responsible authorities can be found at the bottom of this page.

Request a licence review

To request a licensing review please complete the review of a premises licence application form (PDF, 17 KB).

Please note: notice of the application must be given to the person who holds the premises licence and each of the responsible authorities.

Publishing a notice of application

Once an application to review has been made to a licensing authority, that authority must publish a notice of the application (PDF, 21 KB):

  • in a local newspaper (at least once in the following ten days)
  • on the licensing authority's website (for a consecutive period of 28 days)
  • by displaying the notice at a place which is as near as reasonably practicable to the premises, and where it can conveniently be read by members of the public (for a consecutive period of 28 days)

There is a 28 day period during which representations about the application may be made by:

  • the person who holds the premises licence
  • a responsible authority
  • a person who is an interested party in relation to the premises

Responsible authorities


Licensing Unit, Lancashire Police, Preston Divisional Headquarters, Lancaster Road North, Preston, PR1 2SA

Telephone - 01772 209794 extension 5

Lancashire Constabulary

Gambling Commission

Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham

Telephone - 0121 230 6666

Gambling Commission


Divisional Manager (Development Control), Environmental Services, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906580

Fire and Rescue

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Preston Fire Safety Department, Blackpool Road, Preston, PR1 6US

Telephone - 01772 556506

Lancashire - Fire and Rescue

Environmental Health

Environmental Services (Noise and Nuisance) Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906151

HM Revenue and Customs

Betting and Gaming, National Registration Unit, Portcullis House, 21 India Street, Glasgow, G2 4PZ

Telephone - 0141 555 3633

GOV.UK - HM Revenue and Customs

Protection of Children

Lancashire Safeguarding Children's, Board Manager, Room B52, Po Box 61, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8RJ

Telephone - 01772 533495

Lancashire County Council - Children, education and families

Licensing Services

Environmental Health Department, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, PR1 2RL

Telephone - 01772 906199

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