Development within residential areas

Development Within (or in close proximity to) the Existing Residential Area
The full utilisation of land and buildings in the main urban area of Preston will help to ensure a better use of services and utilities, and help to reduce development pressures on greenfield land and manage the distribution of facilities throughout the existing urban area and help to improve accessibility.
In order to protect the character of the existing urban area, it is important that new development respects local distinctiveness and does not adversely affect existing open and green spaces.
The existing residential area of Preston, identified as AD1 (a) on the Policies Map is dominated by residential uses. As such the impact of development proposals on residential amenity will be a principal consideration in determining planning applications. Development proposals leading to an overall improvement in environmental quality, incorporating high sustainability levels for example, will be considered favourably.
Development proposals in existing urban areas
All development proposals within the existing urban area of Preston, or in close proximity to an existing residential area, will be expected to comply with Policy AD1 (a).
The appropriateness of any proposal may be judged by its compatibility with existing surrounding development and the principal consideration in areas dominated by residential uses will be the impact of the development proposal on residential amenity.
Development proposals should not result in an over-intensely developed site to the detriment of residential amenity and the character and appearance of the area. This will certainly be the case for proposals on residential garden land.