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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.


Hands in the air for volunteering

We rely on volunteers in the following areas and we really appreciate the goodwill of volunteers and the time they provide. 

Environmental volunteers

We receive invaluable help from the local community to look after its parks and streets and work with a number of volunteers who give up their time to make Preston a cleaner, greener place.

If you love where you live and are keen to help protect, improve and promote our local environment and green open spaces then why not join one of the following local groups:

Friends of the park groups volunteer

We have a crucial network of Friends groups who play a vital role in protecting and enhancing parks, woodlands, play areas and green spaces in Preston. By working in partnership with us, this gives residents a bigger say in what happens in their local park.

For a list of current friends groups and how to join see Friends of the park.

Litter picker volunteer

Thank you very much for your interest in environmental volunteering.

Our volunteer litter pickers are a dedicated set of individuals who pride themselves with clearing our green spaces, pavements and parks from litter and rubbish. We are extremely grateful for the hard work that they do.

We can loan volunteers equipment to aid in personal and group litter picking activities. This includes our rubbish bags, bag holders and litter pickers. Please note, we only loan equipment for use in the Preston area.

If you would like to become a litter picking volunteer please complete the following online form:

Apply to be a litter picker volunteer

For wider information around litter picking volunteering please read our green volunteer guide (PDF, 184 KB)

Conservation work volunteer

If you are interested in helping to maintain our prestigious parks and becoming a volunteer ranger please complete the following online form:

Apply to be a conservation work volunteer

Please note: we are currently offering volunteer opportunities at Haslam Park and Fishwick Local Nature Reserve and Recreation Ground.

Work club volunteers

Would you like to help support the 16 work clubs in Preston along with other volunteers? Would you like to share your skills to help other people in Preston? Then we would love to hear from you. 

Work clubs are a friendly and free service run by local community organisations who offer support with C.V. writing, job searches, how to complete an application form, interview skills and building confidence. 

If you would like to volunteer or need more information please contact the Community Involvement Team on or call 01772 906453 

Preston Volunteers

Preston Volunteers is the go-to place, and voice for all things volunteering in Preston.

The aim is to make volunteering in Preston easy to access, fulfilling and life-changing for everyone and Preston Volunteers will give you the chance to help where it is most needed and make a real difference in our community.

The time you give as a volunteer will support you in your own life too, building your skills and experience and boosting your well-being.

Preston Volunteers offer free training to get you ready for volunteering.

There are so many ways to help, ranging from driving to deliver food to local food banks, using your computer skills to help community groups and charities with websites and social media, working with youth groups and cadets, to spending time outdoors helping to grow vegetables in community gardens.

Preston Volunteers are the trusted choice for organisations seeking dedicated volunteers who want to make a real difference. Driven by passion, we wish to inspire and empower individuals to create positive change within our vibrant community.

Visit Preston Volunteers for a list of local volunteering opportunities  

The Harris Museum, Art Gallery and Library

The Harris has a big team of volunteers who are made up of people from different backgrounds and have many different interests.

You need to be 16 years old or older to volunteer with us.

We have lots of different activities to do, and some times of the year are busier than others. For example, summer is usually a very busy time for our volunteers!

Popular opportunities include:

  • Helping with fun activities and events for families at the Harris and in the community.
  • Running creative workshops and projects for adults in the community, which help connect people to the Harris.
  • Joining small teams that work with staff on special parts of the Harris' collection, like the Fine Art "Champs".
  • Being part of small teams that give advice to staff on our public programs, like how to tell people about the Harris who might not know about it.

Some opportunities happen regularly, like once a week. Other opportunities are one-time events, like helping at a stall with activities for Preston Pride. Sometimes, you can do the opportunities on your own at home, and other times, you might work behind the scenes in the office.

Visit the Harris Volunteer Makers to check out our current opportunities and learn how to join our team. Visit the Harris website - What's on, to find out about events happening at the Harris. 

Volunteering Documents 

Download a copy of The Harris' Volunteer Strategy (PDF, 5 MB) and The Harris' "Volunteer with us" leaflet (PDF, 330 KB).

Lancashire County Council volunteer hub

Lancashire County Council have a diverse range of volunteer opportunities to offer supporting a variety of services.

These include:

  • Activity/Gardening
  • Shopping Assistants (Homes for Older People)
  • Mentoring and Befrienders (Adult Social Care)
  • Supporting Unpaid Carers
  • Young People's Service volunteers
  • Countryside Rangers
  • Test Purchasers (Trading Standards)

For a full list of volunteer opportunities please visit Lancashire County Council - Volunteer or contact Lancashire County Council at

Other voluntary opportunities

There is nothing to stop you making a direct approach to any organisation to ask about volunteering.

All organisations are keen to make use of skills and talents and time given by members of the community. You may be referred to a central office in your town, which deals with volunteering.

There may be security or health checks but don't be put off by these. All organisations are obliged by law to check out the credentials of both paid and unpaid workers, especially where there might be frail or vulnerable clients.

National volunteering website

Do-it allows you to search for volunteering opportunities in your area, for people and causes that matter to you. For opportunities visit the Do-it website.


Lancashire Constabulary relies on volunteers to improve their quality of service to local communities. For opportunities visit Lancashire Volunteering Partnership - Police.


There are many opportunities within the NHS for volunteers, so whatever your interests visit NHS - Get Involved to find a volunteer opportunity that suits you.

University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)

UCLan offers a volunteer programme, both for students and members of the public. For opportunities visit UCLan - Centre for Volunteering and Community Leadership.

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