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Social Value Policy

Preston lamb

Social value is the wider benefit gained by an area or local community from the delivery of public contracts or services. Social value plays an important role in delivering Community Wealth Building in Preston.

Preston's priority social value themes and measures

Preston City Council has designed a bespoke approach to ensure that our contracts deliver social, environmental, and economic value to the city.

This model is designed specifically to target the needs of Preston and is structured around five themes and related measures that can be seen below:

Theme 1: Fair employment

1.1 - Supporting fair and democratic working environments and practices.

1.2 - Supporting equality, diversity and inclusion.

1.3 - Supporting employee health and wellbeing.

Theme 2: Investing in the future workforce

2.1 - Supporting young people to understand/experience the workplace.

2.2 - Supporting staff members to upskill.

2.3 - Supporting vulnerable groups to access the workplace.

Theme 3: Addressing the climate emergency

3.1 - Developing and/or implementing a Carbon Reduction Plan.

3.2 - Reducing the carbon emissions of contracted work.

3.3 - Supporting environmental improvement and protection.

Theme 4: Investing in the local economy

4.1 - Increasing spend in the local economy.

4.2 - Supporting local social enterprises and democratic businesses to thrive.

Theme 5: Strengthening the voluntary, community and faith sector

5.1 - Providing business support to the voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS).

5.2 - Providing donations to support local community projects.

We will apply this model to contracts above the threshold value of £74,999 and the social value score will count for a maximum 20% of the overall assessment criteria.

Selection of themes and measures

We will select a number of themes and measures that we would like suppliers to respond to for each contract and allocate a weighting to these.

Suppliers must respond to the themes and measures specified for that particular contract. Information relating to themes or measures that are not selected for that contract will not be counted in the assessment process.

Evaluation question and responses

Suppliers will be asked to respond to the following evaluation question for each selected measure:

Please describe how you will uphold the Council's commitment to this measure during your work on this contract.

Answers should include:

  • What you plan to deliver in relation to this measure on the contract. This could include:
    • An overall vision for the social value work.
    • Planned social value activities.
    • How your planned activities align with Preston City Council's vision.
    • Specific, measurable targets and/or outputs.
  • How planned activities will be delivered on the contract. This could include:
    • A clear action plan for delivery.
    • Timescales and milestones.
    • Resources and capacity.
    • Identification of stakeholders and potential local partners.
    • Any relevant previous experience.
    • Any potential risks to delivery.
  • How progress of planned activities will be monitored and reported. This could include:
    • A monitoring and reporting action plan.
    • Timescales and milestones.
    • Quality assurance mechanisms.
    • Any relevant previous experience.

Assessment of responses

We will assess responses to the evaluation question for each selected measure according to the following scoring classification:



Excellent and unambiguous response that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of social value and close alignment with Preston City Council's vision.

The planned activities and targets are ambitious, align closely with the Council's ambition for each selected theme and measure, and will deliver positive impacts in Preston.

A robust, detailed approach to delivery and monitoring of planned activities is provided with strong evidence of relevant experience.


Above expectations

Comprehensive response that shows a clear understanding of social value and an alignment with Preston City Council's vision.

The planned activities and targets align with the Council's ambition for each selected theme and measure and will deliver positive impacts in Preston.

A robust approach to delivery and monitoring of planned activities is provided and some evidence of relevant experience may be included.


Meets expectations

Acceptable response that demonstrates a broad understanding of social value and Preston City Council's vision.

The planned activities and targets align with the Council's ambition for each selected theme and measure and will deliver positive impacts in Preston.

The answer may lack clarity/detail in places on exactly how these will be delivered and monitored.


Below expectations

The information provided is generally relevant but the demonstration of understanding of social value and Preston City Council's vision may be limited.

Information about planned activities and targets is insufficient/limited and may not show alignment with the Council's ambition for each selected theme and measure.

Information on delivery and monitoring is either insufficient or not included.



There are major deficiencies or concerns regarding the information provided.

The demonstration of understanding of social value and Preston City Council's vision is deficient, and planned activities are either not relevant or not included.



The information provided is unacceptable or nonexistent. There is a failure to properly address the question provided and no indication that social value will be delivered on the contract.


Guidance and resources

Preston City Council aims to ensure that social value commitments deliver positive impacts to local communities and support those most in need.

The information below may be helpful to provide insight into the context of Preston:

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