Public Spaces Protection Order for Inner East Preston

Consultation on a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order for Inner East Preston
The Council's Cabinet agreed on 29 January 2025, to carry out a public consultation for the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in an area defined on the Preston East Public Spaces Protection Order map (PDF, 115 KB).
This will be for a period of ten-weeks ending on Friday 02 May 2025.
Information can be viewed online or by attending the Town Hall on weekdays (except Public Holidays) between 10am and 4pm.
What are Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)?
The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ("the Act") has enabled the Council to introduce Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) ("an Order") to address anti-social behaviour.
A PSPO can prohibit a specified activity or require things to be done within a defined public area and the Council is required to consult on a proposed PSPO before it is introduced.
The Order should not focus on the characteristics of individuals or groups which are not detrimental and should not inadvertently restrict sociability in public spaces. For example, restrictions should not force people into remote locations nor target prohibitions based solely on a person being homeless or rough sleeping.
Restrictions applied by the Council must be reasonable, withstand scrutiny and be easily understood. They must balance the rights of people to enjoy public spaces with the civil liberties of individuals or groups who may be affected by restrictions.
In making and enforcing an Order, the Council must have regard to freedoms of expression, assembly, and association permitted under articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act 1998.
The activity which the Council may restrict by an Order must be carried out in a public place. This is defined as 'any place to which the public or any section of the public has access on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of an express or implied permission'.
Public Spaces Protection Order for Inner East Preston
The prohibitions being proposed for inclusion in the public consultation for Inner East Preston are set out in:
- Inner East Preston Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2025 - Appendix 1 (PDF, 559 KB)
- Preston East Public Spaces Protection Order map with the proposed Prohibition Area outlined in red - Appendix 2 (PDF, 115 KB)
Why do we consult with the community?
Before deciding on whether to introduce a PSPO in Inner East Preston, the Council is required to carry out consultation, publicity, and following notification. Once the consultation period has concluded, the proposal to introduce a PSPO is to be submitted to Cabinet for approval, having regard to the findings of the consultation.
How do I take part in the consultation?
If you wish to make representations concerning the proposed Order, please complete the following consultation form:
Proposed PSPO for Inner East Preston consultation form
Alternatively, you can send your comments by email to, or in writing to:
- Community Services, Preston City Council, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston. PR1 2RL.
Survey deadline
All comments and forms must be completed and arrive on or before Friday 02 May 2025. (please quote Public Spaces Protection Order for Inner East Preston in your correspondence if you send these through the post or by email).