Planning committee

Committee details
- Browse meetings and agendas for the Planning Committee
- View contact details for the members of the Planning Committee
- View attendance statistics
- View declarations of interest
- Calendar of meetings
Purpose of Planning Committee
To exercise the development control and regulatory powers and duties of the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts (and any Regulations or Orders thereunder) and Schedule 1 to the Functions Regulations.
Planning Committee Meetings
Meetings of the Planning Committee are held monthly, approximately every four weeks, and take place at the Town Hall, Lancaster Road.
The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 06 February 2025 at 2pm in Room A, Ground Floor of the Town Hall.
You can view the agenda and report pack for this meeting. This will not show until the week before the meeting.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and watch the Planning Committee meeting. Should you wish to attend the meeting, please report to the registration desk on your arrival, which is located outside of Room A.
Please note: the meeting room has a maximum capacity of 40 members of the public.
Who can speak at Planning Committee?
Any person directly affected by Planning proposals including applicants, objectors or supporters (or their representatives) may request to speak at Planning Committee.
To register to speak at Planning Committee please see the planning application search and enter the application number you wish to speak about and complete the online form. The completed form must be submitted before 12pm noon on the Monday prior to the meeting.
Ward Councillors whose wards are directly affected by proposals may also request to speak.
Each request will be considered by the Chair prior to the meeting, taking into account whether the proposals directly affect the speakers (or whom they represent) and the number requesting to speak.
For more information about Planning Committee please contact Zuber Bapu on 01772 906309.
Membership of the Planning Committee
- Councillor Javed Iqbal, JP (Chair)
- Councillor Sara Holmes (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Atkins
- Councillor Freddie Bailey
- Councillor Daniel Guise
- Councillor Carol Henshaw
- Councillor Harry Landless
- Councillor Naoimh McMahon
- Councillor John Rutter
- Councillor Pat Varty
- Councillor Ben Ward
- Councillor Amber Afzal (Reserve)
- Councillor Lynne Brooks (Reserve)
- Councillor Salim Desai (Reserve)
- Councillor Anna Hindle (Reserve)
- Councillor Nweeda Khan (Reserve)
- Councillor John Potter (Reserve)
- Councillor Stephen Thompson (Reserve)
- Zuber Bapu (Secretary)
Contact information
- Support officer - Zuber Bapu, Member Services Officer, 01772 906309
- Postal address - Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
- Telephone - 01772 906309
- Email -