Change of address

You must let us know if you are a tenant or homeowner moving:
- into Preston
- within Preston
- out of Preston
It is important you tell us as soon as possible so we can register you a bill for council tax.
Once we have all your details, we will send you your new council tax bill.
Report a change of address
You can check which local authority covers an address at GOV.UK.
Moving within Preston
You can use our change of address form if you are currently registered for council tax for a property in the Preston City Council area and are moving into another property which is also in the Preston City Council area.
Moving out of Preston
You can use our change of address form to inform us if you are moving out of your property and wish to amend your council tax bill.
Report a change of address if you are moving out of Preston
Register for Council Tax
You can use the register for Council Tax form to tell us that you have moved into Preston if you are the new owner or tenant at a property or you were not responsible for council tax (for example if you were living in a shared house or living with your parents).
Landlords or Letting Agents
Landlords or Lettings Agents can use this form to register a new tenant at a property they own or manage.
Please note: this form also allows a landlord or letting agent to inform us about a change of address for a tenant or to let us know about a sale or purchase of a property.
Landlords or Letting Agents register tenants for Council Tax form
Uploading Document for Council Tax
You can use our My Scan app to send us your documents for Council Tax.
It is a quick, easy and secure way to send us your documents 24/7 from home via your computer, tablet or smartphone.
My Scan ensures that documents securely land in our back office systems ready for processing.