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Dog groups in Preston

Group of three people

Below you will find current dog groups and volunteering opportunities available in Preston.

Canine Volunteer Scheme

Canine Volunteers act as our eyes and ears to report any dog control issues to us.

Our volunteers also have the ability to talk to dog owners about responsible dog ownership and reward good behaviour.

Who can become a Canine Volunteer?

Any resident of Preston (you do not need to own a dog).

What does a Canine Volunteer do?

Canine volunteers make observations when they are walking around in their area and report any issues to our Dog Control Team.

If the volunteer is happy to do so, they will be given training to approach and educate dog walkers in the city and have a friendly chat.

Volunteers will also be able to give a small reward to dog owners who are acting responsibly.

Do you need any training?

You will need to attend a training session that lasts for approximately one hour and includes:

  • Fun facts about dogs
  • Small health and safety section

The training will be held in a venue in your neighbourhood and will have other local residents present.

What support do you receive?

You will receive:

  • small bag
  • note pad
  • dog waste scoop bags
  • high visibility vest for your dog (if you own a dog)

The Canine Volunteers will be able to receive assistance and advice from the Dog Control Team as well as take part in pre-arranged patrols with the Dog Control Team.

Which areas do Canine Volunteers operate?

We have Canine Volunteers that walk regularly in:

  • Ashton Park

  • Moor Park
  • Haslam Park
  • Fishwick Road Park
  • Tanterton area
  • Fulwood (around The Drive)

Volunteers are not limited to these areas and can talk to people wherever they are in Preston.

How to become a Canine Volunteer

If you are interested in becoming a Canine Volunteer please contact us via email at or by phone on 01772 906907.

Meet and greet with the Dog Wardens

Our Dog Control Team arrange to meet and greet the Canine volunteers and accompany them on a group walk in their local areas.

Local residents are encouraged to join these gathering so that dog control issues can be discussed with the Dog Control Team and Canine Volunteers.

Preston PAD (Positive About Dogs)

This group connects people together based on their common love for dogs.

The PAD group is run by local volunteers and supported by our dog warden service. The dog warden sometimes attends the dog walks, offering advice and guidance to dog owners.

What does the group do?

  • Organise monthly group dog walks that are open to all dog lovers, whether they have a dog or not
  • Engage in Pets As Therapy projects and use their love for dogs in many ways to help the community be a better place
  • Promote responsible dog ownership and help those people who can't own dogs, perhaps because of a long term condition, to have contact with them

How to join

To join PAD please visit Facebook - Preston - Positive About Dogs (PAD).

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