Report a cockroach problem

We offer a free pest control service for cockroach problems inside a residential property.
For problems outside a property (e.g. garden, shed, detached garage), we recommend using an accredited, professional pest controller who is CRRU or wildlife aware accredited.
For pest controllers near you visit the British Pest Control Association - Find a Pest Controller.
Identifying a cockroach
Cockroaches are quite large insects and dark brown or black in colour. They are 20-24mm long with long whip-like antennae.
German cockroaches, sometimes known as the Steam Fly, are yellowish brown in colour with two dark marks on their thorax. The adults are 10-15mm long, also with whip-like antennae.
Why are cockroaches considered a pest?
Cockroaches are considered a public health pest, as they can carry disease causing bacteria on their bodies.
How to report a problem
To report a cockroach problem inside a residential property, you will need to book an appointment by completing our online form:
Appointments can be made for a pest control officer to arrive between the following hours Monday to Friday:
9am - 1pm
Midday - 4pm
Commercial pest control issues
We only treat pests on commercial or industrial premises for businesses and organisations that have a contract with us.
All other businesses will need to contact a commercial pest control service. To find a commercial pest control service near you visit the British Pest Control Association - Find a Pest Controller.