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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Proposed SM3 Split

Map with location pin and information symbol

Download the map of the proposed SM3 Split. (PDF, 478 KB)

Split SM3 evenly into two districts. Create a new SM4.

Polling District - SM3

  • Area: Split of SM3 into two separate districts to make an additional district.
  • Polling Station: No change.

St Josephs Church is situated in the centre of the polling district. It is a large building and has disabled access.

SM3 has a large electorate and at busy elections could cause issues with queues at busy times.

We propose to split the district into east and west using Skeffington Road as the boundary. This would also assist the annual canvass as there would be a more manageable electorate to canvass and facilitate elections.

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