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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Proposed CC2 Split

Map with location pin and information symbol

Download the map of the proposed CC2 Split. (PDF, 303 KB)

Propose to make Preston Minster a permanent Polling Place.

Split CC2 evenly into two districts to future proof the district. Create a new CC3 district.

Polling District - CC2

  • Area: Split of CC2 into two separate districts to make an additional district.
  • Polling Station: Propose to make Preston Minster a permanent Polling Place.

Preston Minster is being used as the Polling Place whilst the Harris Museum is undergoing refurbishment. However, we propose that the Minster is made the permanent Polling Place for district CC2.

It has been attended by electors for a number of recent elections. It is a short walk away from the Harris and central within the polling district.

The Minster has disabled access and disabled parking. There was no parking at The Harris and there was only restricted on-street parking. CC2 has a very large electorate.

The district has many student accommodation buildings and more development is expected in the area. We propose to split CC2 into two separate districts along Fishergate to future proof the district.

 Electors from both of the split districts would vote at Preston Minster.


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