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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Fishwick and Frenchwood Ward

Map with location pin and information symbol

Download the review of the Fishwick and Frenchwood Ward (PDF, 164 KB), comprises of the following districts:

  • FF1
  • FF2
  • FF3
  • FF4
  • FF5

Download the map of the Fishwick and Frenchwood Ward. (PDF, 654 KB)

Information relating to the current polling districts and polling places:

Polling DistrictNo. of ElectorsNo. of Postal & Proxy VotersPolling Station AddressDisabled AccessDisabled Bay Available



Fishwick Primary School (Side Entrance), Fishwick Parade, Preston PR1 4RG

Yes via a





Sahara in Preston, 48 Fishwick Parade, Preston, PR1 4XQ.






Christ the King Catholic High School, Lawrence Avenue, Preston PR1 4LX






Nursery Unit, Frenchwood CP School, Frenchwood Knoll, Preston, PR1 4LE






St. James Church, Knowsley Street, off Avenham Lane, Preston PR1 3SA








Polling District - FF1

  • Area: No change.
  • Polling Station: Proposed change to Preston Community Hub.

At previous elections Fishwick Primary School had a separate side entrance to the polling station that can be closed off from the main school, to allow the school to remain open. It is a small room but is fully accessibility compliant and well known to electors in the community.

After May 2024 works were completed at the school to alter the layout which means the polling place can now no longer be used. We have looked for alternative polling places and found Preston Community Hub, Samuel Street, Preston PR1 4YE.

Preston Community Hub is within the polling district, has parking available and has a large room which can be used for the Polling Station. The Hub does a lot of community work and is well known by residents.

We therefore recommend that the polling place be changed for FF1.

Polling District - FF2

  • Area: No change.
  • Polling Station: Proposed change to Preston Community Hub.

Sahara is situated centrally to the majority of housing within the polling district. This station is very small, although it is very community focused. During elections not many electors can fit inside the polling station when voting.

This issue is worsened due to the higher turnout at Parliamentary elections. At Parliamentary elections there is a strong need to have a split polling station made up of two separate teams in order to manage the queues however this is not possible due to the very small space available within. There is not enough space to accommodate four staff members, two ballot booths and the required equipment.

As a method of mitigating the risk of queues throughout the day of Poll and at the close of Poll, we split the register into two and employ two Presiding Officers and one Poll Clerk to serve as many electors as we can whilst making best use of the available space. Its is not ideal and causes delays.

The small space makes it difficult to comply with the Elections Act 2022 regulations relating to providing privacy for identification checks and accessibility. Sahara has disabled access but other electors must leave the polling station to make space to allow adequate mobility.

We propose that the polling place be changed to use Preston Community Hub. Although this is slightly outside of the polling district, it has the space we need to facilitate a fully accessible polling station, with space for disabled electors and privacy checks to meet the statutory requirements of the Elections Act 2022.

Polling District - FF3

  • Area: No change.
  • Polling Station: Merge with FF4, Frenchwood Primary School.

Christ the King Catholic High School has been used for a number of years, is well known to electors, has disabled access and is within the polling district.

As a Council, we understand the importance of not using schools for polling locations, especially a high school where education may be disrupted. It is proposed that Frenchwood Primary School, which is just half a mile away, should be used.

It is already used as a polling station for FF4 and would reduce school disruption.

Polling District - FF4

  • Area: No change.
  • Polling Station: No change.

Frenchwood Primary School is the most suitable polling place within the polling district. It has disabled access and is well known to electors.

The school remains open on polling day as there is a separate unit used for the polling station.

Polling District - FF5

  • Area: No change.
  • Polling Station: No change.

St. James Church is a suitable venue within the polling district. It has good facilities and disabled access.

Limiting Factors

  • FF1 and FF2 are situated within Preston South East County Division.
  • FF3, FF4 and FF5 are within the City County Division.


Polling DistrictProposals
FF1Proposed change to Preston Community Hub
FF2Proposed change to Preston Community Hub
FF3Proposed change to Frenchwood Primary School.
FF4No change to area or Polling Station.
FF5No change to area or Polling Station.

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