Easy Read Guide - How to fill in your postal vote

The following easy read text explains how to fill in your postal vote.
For a print friendly version download the easy read guide - how to fill in your postal vote (PDF, 231 KB).
What is a postal vote?
When there is an election, instead of going to the polling station to vote, your ballot paper is sent to your house.
You can then vote at home and post your vote back to us.
If you have received a pink poll card then this is telling you that you postal vote is on its way.
This year there are two elections in May, the local election and Police and Crime Commissioner election.
Open your envelope.
Inside you will find:
- A postal voting statement which you need to fill in.
- 1 Ballot paper (yellow) for the local election.
- 1 Ballot paper (lilac) for the Police election
- A brown envelope with the letter A on it.
- A white envelope with the letter B on it.
The Postal Voting Statement
You need to fill in two things:
- Fill in your date of birth in the boxes, If you were born on 30 January 1970 you would fill that in as - 30 01 1970.
- Sign your usual signature in the box. If you have already told us that you cannot sign due to a disability then there will be no box printed for you to sign in.
Your vote
You use your ballot papers to vote.
You can vote for no more than one candidate. To vote you need to put a cross in the end column next to the name of the person you want to vote for.
- Take the brown envelope A and put it into the white envelope B.
- Put the security statement, with your date of birth on, into the white envelope B.
- Make sure the address of the Town Hall is showing in the window of the white envelope so that Royal Mail know where to send your vote.
Inside the white envelope B should be the brown envelope A and your security statement with your date of birth and signature on. You can now seal the white envelope B.
Please put the white envelope B into a post box. You do not need to put a stamp on it.
Your vote will now be delivered to the Town Hall for counting.
If your postal vote has not arrived by 17 April please ring us on 01772 906482 to let us know.