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Eminent Professor shares study findings with local Councillors

24 November 2023

Council Leader Matthew Brown and Council committee members welcome Professor Barr

Council Leader Matthew Brown and Council committee members welcome Professor Barr

Published author Professor Ben Barr joined elected members today to present his research into the correlation between Community Wealth Building and improved outcomes for local people in terms of mental health and wellbeing. His study was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and explored how the principles of Community Wealth Building are actively applied here in Preston.

Professor Barr works in Applied Public Health at Liverpool University and specialises in research looking at how local and national social, welfare, economic and health policies can have an impact on health inequalities. Since 2020, he has been Head of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Policy Research on Determinants of Health Equity and was a former NIHR Research Fellow and NHS Consultant.

His paper, entitled: "The mental health and wellbeing impact of a Community Wealth Building programme in England: a difference-in-differences study" can be read in full by visiting UCLan - The mental health and wellbeing impact of a Community Wealth Building programme in England: a difference-in-differences study.

Professor Barr was warmly received by Councillors on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, who thanked him for his interesting and informative presentation.

Photo caption: Council Leader Matthew Brown and Council committee members welcome Professor Barr (centre).

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