Park consultation summaries

We had a fantastic response to our consultations on each park and we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to get involved and to have your say.
Your thoughts are important to us, and your suggestions will all be considered as we work up detailed designs, ahead of submitting planning applications later in the year.
We can now provide summaries of each consultation report:
Ashton Park
Download the Ashton Park community engagement consultation report. (PDF, 397 KB)
In brief the proposed scope of works includes the following:
- The development of a sports centre hub to include the building of a new sports pavilion/community centre
- The provision of a new 3G artificial sports pitch
- The provision of new grass sports pitches.
Consistently the comments on the response sheets was simply "Nothing, along with the need to preserve nature and the existing trees." There were some positive comments on the potential for a café on site but the over-riding like was for the park as it is now and the preservation of the existing green space being kept for community use.
This question elicited a long list of responses. However, the top subjects that were of concern was the proposed installation of the 3G sports pitch and the other potential issues it will cause such as light pollution from floodlights, increased noise pollution, loss of open space and the impact of additional traffic and car parking.
Things to make it better
There were numerous suggestions made by the attendees of the events with a range of views including the need for a skate park similar to that seen at Moor Park to be considered.
Moor Park was also put forward as a better venue for the placement of a 3G sports pitch rather than Ashton Park. The need for improved lighting on footpaths was a popular suggestion as was to maintain the green space and the addition of a duck pond.
Grange Park
The proposal for Grange Park is to install lights on the driveway to The Hub. As this is the only work planned for this park, no consultation was necessary.
Moor Park
Download the Moor Park community engagement consultation report. (PDF, 440 KB)
In brief the proposed scope of works includes the following:
- Make improvements to Serpentine Lake
- Internal refurbishment of the sports pavilion
- Improve the current facilities and amenities including improved pathways, park furniture, signage and interpretation boards.
Clearly there is a lot of love for the park with great support for it.
Most of the comments reflected on the large open green space, the paths around the park for cycling and walking, the fact that it is dog friendly and the variety of wildlife. People also particularly like the café on site, Rosemary On The Park.
Generally, comments received here concentrated on anti-social behaviour including the amount of litter and rubbish that was frequently left, dog dirt not being picked up, the neglect of the lake area and the lack of toilets.
The condition of some of the paths also came in for criticism as some areas are prone to flooding and become unusable after rain.
Things to make it better
The main focus of attention was the condition of the lake and there was almost universal requests for it to be tidied up.
The condition of the bowling greens was also frequently mentioned as they have fallen into disrepair, and many wanted them to be reinstated and cared for. There were also requests to improve the play areas.
Waverley Park
Download the Waverley Park community engagement consultation report. (PDF, 850 KB)
In brief the proposed scope of works includes the following:
- Demolition and rebuild of changing rooms at Waverley Park
- Refurbishment of the existing Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), skatepark, and play area
- Introduction of other on-site facilities such as a 'Pump track' for cycling.
The condition and potential usage of the bowling greens, which have not been used for many years, was a key focus for many. People would like to see them changed into something useful such as a play area for children or into garden areas. Otherwise all of the people attending the events were very supportive of the proposals.
Although most comments about the park were positive there were recurring comments around several factors but principally the levels of anti-social behaviour experienced by many.
The lack of lighting came in for some criticism and in particular the proposal for a gate at Harling Road was mentioned as a potential issue by residents living close to the proposed site, who advised that they had previously submitted a petition to the council identifying their concerns about anti-social behaviour in the area potentially being exacerbated by the addition of access gates in that location.
Things to make it better
There were a number of suggestions made for the park and how some of the facilities could be used going forward. In particular comments were received asking that the park rangers' hut could be converted into a community space and that the proposed pavilion have community space in which community meetings could be held.
The need for more seating and bins were also popular sentiments as well as the need to feel safe in the park.
Next steps
- Final designs and plans are being drawn up on the back of the feedback received
- Any work to each park will require planning permission and further comments and feedback can be given at that stage by stakeholders and the public.