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Visit to Preston by Akyaaba Addai-Sebo and Dr. Adotey Bing-Pappoe

15 November 2023

Akyaaba Addai-Sebo inside the Council Chamber

Akyaaba Addai-Sebo inside the Council Chamber

Founder of Black History Month UK Visits Preston to learn more about Community Wealth Building and the 'Preston Model'.

Councillor Matthew Brown, Leader of Preston City Council was delighted to welcome Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, the founder of Black History Month (UK), to Preston as he concludes his UK tour before returning to Ghana.

Mr Addai-Sebo was accompanied by Dr. Adotey Bing-Pappoe, a founding member of and currently a senior lecturer in economics at the University of Greenwich Business School. His research areas include workers cooperatives, income and wealth inequality, regional integration, and industrial policy.

Mr Addai-Sebo contacted Cllr Brown as he wished to learn more about Preston's ongoing commitment to a fair economy through its Community Wealth Building programme, otherwise known as the Preston Model, especially in the area of cooperatives and community development. He and Dr Bing-Papoe have been inspired by the measures that Preston is taking to drive inclusive growth in the city.

He also took the opportunity to speak to Cllr Brown about plans for Black History Month in Preston in 2027 when it celebrates 40 years of building and advancing the cause of racial harmony. The group was joined by Clinton Smith from Preston's Black History Group who shared with the visitors some of the recent achievements of the group including the publication of 'England is My Home', a prize winning book which tells the stories of the Windrush generation who came to live in Lancashire. 

All at Preston City Council wish Mr Addai-Sebo a safe trip back to Ghana and look forward to partnering on some exciting initiatives over the next few years on the run up to Black History Month's pending milestone anniversary.

Further information

For more information on the England is My Home publication visit Preston Black History Group - England is my home Windrush lives in Lancashire.

For further details around Community Wealth Building, see our Community Wealth Building section.

Photo caption (left to right): Cllr Nweeda Khan Cabinet Member for Communities and Justice, Rachel Stringfellow Policy Manager Preston City Council, Dr. Adotey Bing-Pappoe, Leader of Preston City Council Cllr Matthew Brown, Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, Cllr Valerie Wise Cabinet Member for Community Wealth Building, Clinton Smith Preston Black History Group, Sarah Threlfall Deputy Chief Executive Preston City Council.

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