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Checklist for Homeboarders Applying for or Renewing a Licence (Adobe pdf documents) you apply for a Licence you are essentially telling the Council that you are ready to start caring for animals as a home boarder. You are therefore saying ...
Recycling symbols explained out what different recycling symbols on items mean.
Map of Slade Street Family Fun Day road closure (Adobe pdf documents)© Crown copyright [and database r ights ] 2021 OS 100023320 Ordnance Survey Author: Map Centre: 353,076 429,425 Date Created: 27/04/2022 ´ Slade Street 1:1,250M...
CIEH Smokefree Private Vehicles Guidance (Adobe pdf documents) of smoke-free legislation in England The Smoke-free (Private Vehicles) Regulations 2015 Guidance for enforcement officers and the public on the p...
CIEH Supplementary Guidance for Shisha Cafes (Adobe pdf documents) Implementation of smokefree legislation in England Supplementary guidance for local authority regulatory officers on dealing with non-compliance in shis...
A5 no smoking sign in Bengali (Adobe pdf documents)Ò”˜¬Û±Ú fl¡¬ı˛± øÚÀ¯∏Òº ¤˝◊√√ ‚¬ı˛¬ı±øάˇÀÓ¬ Ò”˜¬Û±Ú fl¡¬ı˛± ’±˝◊√√Úø¬ıèX NO SMOKING. It is against the law to smoke in these premises
A5 no smoking sign in Arabic (Adobe pdf documents) no smoking sign in Arabic ±LMuŸ «∞∑bî}s. «∞∑bî}s ≠w ≥cÁ «∞L∂U≤w ±ªU∞n ∞KIU≤uÊ NO SMOKING. It is against the law to smoke in these premises
A5 no smoking sign in Classical Chinese (Adobe pdf documents)嚴禁吸煙。 在此建築物內吸煙 乃屬違法 NO SMOKING. It is against the law to smoke in these premises
A5 no smoking sign in English (Adobe pdf documents) no smoking sign in English NO SMOKING. It is against the law to smoke in these premises #
A5 no smoking sign in Gujurati (Adobe pdf documents) no smoking sign in Gujurati