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Employment land allocations site descriptions Local Plan 2004 Allocations EP1.1 Former Whittingham Hospital This site, the former Whittingham Hospital located on Whittingham Lane, Goosnargh, is allo...
Employment premises and sites key feature of Government guidance and of the Preston, Chorley and South Ribble Employment Land Review 2009 findings is that it is essential to have a wide ra...
Policy EP1 - employment site allocations following sites shown on the Policies Map are allocated and protected for business, general industrial or storage and distribution (Use Classes B1, B2 or B8...
Sustainable Travel aims of the Core Strategy are to encourage alternatives to the car, the local plan will help influence choices.
Protecting the Natural Environment on how the local plan aims to improve the quality of life for existing and future communities by protecting the environment.
Future provision of green infrastructure green infrastructure provision will be encouraged to extend the existing green infrastructure network. New green corridors are to link to the existing w...
The design of new development importance of good design in relation to the delivery of sustainable development and good planning is set out in national policy guidance. Design will be a ...
Land quality EN7- Land Quality New development should demonstrate that: a) any existing contamination of the land will be addressed by appropriate mitigation measures...
The historic environment historic environment contributes to the enjoyment of life in the City and provides a unique sense of place as well as supporting wider economic, cultural, s...
Tackling Climate Change Core Strategy encourages energy efficiency in new developments and renewable and low carbon energy generation in the City.