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Telephone Issues

We are currently investigating a fault with our Telephone system which is affecting multiple services and contact numbers.

Council Tax voice, text and email messaging service

Speech bubble with three dots inside

We are using a new messaging service to contact our customers who are in arrears.

If your Council Tax account falls into arrears we may contact you using a voice, text and/or email reminder before taking further recovery action.

By engaging with this service there will be an opportunity to speak to a council tax advisor who is there to help.

Why are we using this service?

This service can prevent statutory recovery notices being issued and may help you avoid paying expensive costs.

Whilst this service is offered to prevent customers from falling further into arrears, it should not be relied upon.

It is your responsibility to maintain the instalments due on your account in line with your bill. Failure to do so may result in recovery action being taken.

How will we contact customers?

We may contact you using one or more of the following:

  • voice message
  • text message and verification screen
  • email and verification screen

I have been contacted - how do I know if this is genuine or not?

Below are examples of the text message/verification screen and email/verification screen we may send.

Text message and verification screen examples

An example of an SMS message from Preston City Council

If you click the link in the message you will be asked to verify your postcode. The screen will look like this:

A page detailing GDPR information and asking for a user to input their postcode for verification purposes

You will then receive a further message with details of how to pay your remaining Council Tax:

An example information page detailing a users Council Tax account

A further example information page detailing a users Council Tax account

Email and verification screen example

An example of an Email message from Preston City Council regarding council tax

If you are still concerned

If you receive a voice message, text message or email about your Council Tax arrears but are not sure if it is genuine, call us on 01772 906321.

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