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Validation Checklist for Planning and Other Applications


The Validation Checklist for planning and other applications was adopted October 2024. 

You can download a copy of the Validation Checklist for planning and other applications (PDF, 333 KB) or view the information below.


This document is for use by applicants and agents when submitting planning and other related applications to Preston City Council.

The City Council recognises that different types of applications require different levels of information and supporting documentation and this checklist should be used to determine what information is required for each application type.

The checklist is split into two main parts:

  1. National requirements - these are mandatory.
  2. Local requirements - these are determined by the City Council and the submission of this information will vary depending on the nature of the proposal.

Submitting Applications

We welcome the submission of applications electronically via the Planning Portal. Payment of application fees can also be made via the Planning Portal or by paying over the phone by credit or debit card (01772 906912) or by cheque.

If you choose to submit a paper copy of your application, you will need to provide only one copy of all documents and forms, unless you have already been advised that more paper copies are required.

The Validation Process

If you do not submit an application in accordance with the requirements of the checklist we are entitled to declare the application invalid. If this happens, we will set out our reasons for doing so and specify the information required in order to make the application valid.

We will only ask for information which is genuinely necessary and related to the scale and nature of your application.


If you do not agree that a particular piece of information is required to accompany your application, the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended), under Part 3, Article 12, sets out a procedure for both the applicant and the Local Planning Authority to follow to resolve the dispute.

Failure to provide the required information

If the requested information is not received to the required standard within 28 days of the date of the request, the application will be treated as 'Withdrawn' and an administrative charge of 10% of the application fee (capped at £1,000) will be levied.

The charge seeks to recover some of the cost of officer time involved in handling such invalid applications. If you do not intend to provide any of the information required by the Validation Checklist you should follow the dispute procedure referred to above.

National Statutory Requirements

The national list is a list of statutory information required to accompany all planning applications (as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). The information required includes:

The completed standard application form

This should be submitted electronically, but paper copies will be accepted. All relevant questions should be answered and if not relevant to the application, then the words 'not applicable' should be inserted for clarity.

The description of the proposed development should also be made clear in the application form.

Where a fee is necessary it must be provided in accordance with the statutory fee scale.

A schedule of application fees can be viewed on the Planning Portal's website.

If the application falls within the concessions category as listed within the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the reason for the concession must be listed on the application form.

Planning fee can be paid:

One of the following Certificates must be completed stating the ownership of the property:

  • Certificate A: If you are the sole owner of the land, which forms the application site please complete Certificate A on the application form.
  • Certificate B: If you are not the sole owner of the land, which forms the application site, or any part of the development goes outside of the applicant's land ownership, please complete Certificate B and provide details of the other landowner(s). You must also serve notice of the landowner(s), which can be undertaken via Notice 1.
  • Certificate C: If you are not the sole owner of the land, which forms the application site and you know some, but not all of the landowners, please complete Certificate C and provide details of the know landowner(s). You must also serve notice of the known landowner(s), which can be undertaken via Notice 1 and you need will to advertise the application in the local newspaper, which can be undertaken via Notice 2.
  • Certificate D: If you are not the sole owner of the land, which forms the application site and you do not know details for the additional landowners, please complete Certificate D and you need will to advertise the application in the local newspaper, which can be undertaken via Notice 2.

Copies of Notice 1 and Notice 2 are available on the Planning Portal website.

This should:

  • Be up to date and of Ordnance Survey quality;
  • Be at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500;
  • Show a North point;
  • Clearly identify the application site with a red line (referred to as 'the red edge') which should include all the land required to carry out the proposed development (such as land required for access to the site from a public highway);
  • Clearly identify with a blue edge any other land in the control or ownership of the applicant which is close to or adjacent to the application site
  • Identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to show that the exact location of the application site. Road names and neighbouring property number/name should also be shown on the plan.

These should:

  • Be at a scale of 1:500 or 1:200;
  • Show a North Point;
  • Show the proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site;

These should:

  • Be drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100;
  • Clearly show any existing walls or buildings to be demolished.

These should:

  • Be drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100;
  • Show all sides of the development (including any blank elevations) and indicate where possible the building materials and the style, materials and finish of windows and doors;
  • If the proposal is an extension clearly show the relationship with any adjoining buildings.

They are also required for applications for advertisement consent to show:

  • The size and position of the proposed advertisement(s) and any associated illumination in relation to the buildings;
  • The height above ground level;
  • The amount of projection;
  • Materials and colours;
  • Method of fixing; and
  • Levels of illumination.

These should:

  • Be drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100; and
  • Show the shape of the roof and include details such as roofing materials, vents and their location where proposed.

Biodiversity Net Gain is a mandatory requirement which came into force on 12 February 2024 for all major development and on the 2 April 2024 for all minor development proposals.

Where a development proposal would be subject to the general biodiversity gain condition, the application must be accompanied by minimum information set out in Article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 as amended by The Biodiversity Gain (Town and Country Planning) (Modifications and Amendments) (England) Regulations 2024.

Biodiversity Net Gain introduces the requirement for development to deliver a minimum of 10% increase in the biodiversity value to the pre development biodiversity value of onsite habitats.

The increase in biodiversity value can be delivered through three options:

  1. Onsite biodiversity gains;
  2. Registered offsite biodiversity gains (sometimes known as 'habitat bank'); or
  3. Statutory biodiversity credits.

The following mandatory minimum information is required to be submitted:

  • Confirmation whether the applicant believes that planning permission, if granted would be subject to the biodiversity net gain condition;
  • The pre-development biodiversity value(s), either on the date of the application or earlier proposed date (as appropriate);
  • Where the applicant proposes to use an earlier date, this proposed earlier date and the reasons for proposing that date;
  • Completed metric calculation tool (published by Natural England (in Excel format only)) showing the calculations, the publication date and version of the biodiversity metric used to calculate that value;
  • A statement confirming whether activities have been carried out prior to the date of application (or earlier proposed date) that result is loss of onsite biodiversity value ('degradation') and where they have:
    • a statement to the effect that these activities have been carried out;
    • the date immediately before these activities were carried out;
    • the pre-development biodiversity value of the onsite habitat on this date;
    • the completed metric calculation tool showing the calculations; and
    • any available supporting evidence of this.
  • A description of any irreplaceable habitat (as set out in column 1 of the Schedule to The Biodiversity Gain Requirements (Irreplaceable Habitat) Regulations 2024) on the land to which the application relates, that exists on the date of the application (or an earlier date) and;
  • A plan or plans, drawn to an identified scale and showing the direction of North, showing onsite habitat existing on the date of the application (or earlier proposed date), including any irreplaceable habitat (if applicable).

Please note the above information is the mandatory minimum information that is required to the submitted. Further information requirements are set out within the Local Validation requirements listed below.

Further information on the requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain is available via the GOV.UK website - Understanding biodiversity net gain.

Required for:

  • All major applications;
  • All development within a designated area* where the development consists of the provision of one or more dwelling houses or the provision of a building or buildings where the floorspace created by the development is 100 square metres or more; and
  • All applications for listed building consent.

Design and Access Statements are not required for the following:

a) Permission to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached, made pursuant to Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990;

b) Engineering or mining operations;

c) A material change of use of land or buildings;

d) Development which is waste development;

The Design and Access Statement should seek to explain and justify your proposal in a structured way.

The level of detail required will depend on the scale and complexity of the application, and the length of the statement will vary accordingly.

Design and Access Statements should:

  • Explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development;
  • Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account;
  • Explain the policy adopted as to access, and how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account;
  • State what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access to the development and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation; and
  • Explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.
  • Include any alternative options, which have been considered and discounted.

When a planning application is submitted in parallel with another type of application, for example, an application for listed building consent, a single combined Design and Access Statement should address the requirements of both.

Where an EIA is required, an Environmental Statement in the form set out in Schedule 4 of the Regulations must be provided. Where an EIA is not required, the Local Planning Authority may still require environmental information to be provided.

You can request a 'screening opinion' (i.e. to determine whether an EIA is required) from the Local Planning Authority before submitting an application.

Required for all types of applications proposing:

  • The provision of one or more relevant buildings; or
  • Development of an existing relevant building;
  • Or development within the curtilage of a relevant building.

Relevant buildings are defined as:

  • Containing two or more dwellings or educational accommodation; and
  • Meet the height condition: 18m or more in height, or 7 or more storeys.

Fire Statements must be submitted on a form published by the Secretary of State (or a form to similar effect) contain the particulars specified or referred to in the form, which includes information about (not exhaustive list): 

  • the principles, concepts and approach relating to fire safety that have been applied to each building in the development;
  • the site layout;
  • emergency vehicle access and water supplies for firefighting purposes;
  • what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to the fire safety of the development; and what account has been taken of this;
  • how any policies relating to fire safety in relevant local development documents have been taken into account.

Required for:

  • All developments within flood zones 2 and 3;
  • In floor zone 1, assessments will be required for:
  • Sites of 1 hectare or more
  • Land which has been identified by the Environment Agency as having critical drainage problems;
  • Land identified in a strategic flood risk assessment at being at increased flood risk in future; or

Land that may be subject to other sources of flooding, where its development would introduce a more vulnerable use.

A Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment should assess risks from all forms of flooding to and from the development and demonstrate how these flood risks will be managed, taking climate change into account.

The Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment should identify opportunities to reduce the probability and consequence of flooding, including the design of surface water management systems including Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and address the requirement for safe access to and from the development in areas at risk of flooding.

Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment checklist must include:

  • Description of the application and its location;
  • General summary of the proposed development;
  • Sequential test - for developments in flood zones 2 and 3;
  • Climate change - how is flood risk at the application site likely to be affected by climate change?
  • Site specific flood risk - description of the risk of flooding to and from the proposed development over its expected lifetime, including appropriate allowances for the impacts of climate change;
  • Surface water management - description of the existing and proposed surface water management arrangements at the application site using sustainable drainage systems wherever appropriate, to ensure there is no increase in flood risk to others off-site;
  • Occupants and users of the proposed development - summary of the numbers of future occupants and users of the new development; the likely future pattern of occupancy and use; and proposed measures for protecting more vulnerable people from flooding;
  • Exception test - evidence to support certain development proposals in flood zones 2 or 3 if, following application of the sequential test, it is appropriate to apply the exception test;
  • Residual risk - description any residual risks that remain after the flood risk management and mitigation measures are implemented, and to explain how these risks can be managed to keep the users of the development safe over its lifetime;
  • Assessment credentials.

a) Sequential Assessment will be required for all applications for main town centre uses* that are not in an existing centre and are not in accordance with an up-to-date local plan;

b) An Impact Assessment will be required for all applications for retail, leisure and office development over 2,500 square metres that are not in an existing centre and are not in accordance with an up-to-date local plan.

The sequential test guides main town centre uses towards town centre locations first, then, if no town centre locations are available, to edge of centre locations, and, if neither town centre locations nor edge of centre locations are available, to out of centre locations (with preference for accessible sites which are well connected to the town centre).

It supports the viability and vitality of town centres by placing existing town centres foremost in both plan-making and decision-taking. It is for the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the sequential test. Wherever possible, the local planning authority is expected to support the applicant in undertaking the sequential test, including sharing any relevant information.

Outline application primarily seek to establish the principle of a development at an application site.

Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Development and Procedure) Order set out that an applicant may identify certain reserved matters that may be set aside of the outline application stage for subsequent approval by the Local Planning Authority:

Reserved matters include:

  • Layout
  • Scale
  • Appearance
  • Access
  • Landscaping

An outline application will require to set out details of the proposed use and amount of development proposed.

An applicant can choose to submit details of any of the reserved matters as part of an outline application. Unless the applicant has indicated that those details are submitted "for illustrative purposes only" (or has otherwise indicated that they are not formally part of the application).

Where layout is a reserved matter, the application for outline planning permission shall state the approximate location of buildings, routes and open spaces included in the development proposed.

Where scale is a reserved matter, the application for outline planning permission shall state the upper and lower limit for the height, width and length of each building included in the development proposed.

Where access is a reserved matter, the application for outline planning permission shall state the area or areas where access points to the development proposed will be situated.

Local Requirements

We may also require additional information prior to the validation of an application depending on the type of development proposed and the character of the area within which the site is located. You are advised to seek advice on the need for such additional information at pre-application stage.

The aim of the Checklist is to set out clearly for anyone submitting an application what is required by the Council to determine an application.

The list has been produced in line with national guidance and informed by planning policy, and therefore items and requirements on the local list are only requested where:

  • they are proportionate to the nature, scale and location of the proposed development; and
  • cover matters which will be relevant, necessary and material to consideration of the application.

Pre-application advice

The Council is keen to promote the use of early discussions with applicants, their agents, and developers at pre-application stage, through the major and minor development advice services as it is considered that early, collaborative discussions can help to shape better quality, more accepted schemes.

We aim to provide a list of local validation requirements in every written pre- application advice response, which is intended to assist applicants, and their agents, when submitting applications to ensure that they can be validated on receipt. This can help avoid disputes over the information necessary to validate an application and reduce associated delays.

Details of the major development advice and minor development advice services is available on the council website.


All drawings must:

  • Follow statutory requirements;
  • Include a scale bar;
  • Include a reference number (and highlight any revisions as applicable) as these are referred to in planning conditions;
  • Be drawn to an identified scale. Therefore, plans should not state that they are 'not drawn to scale' or 'should not be used to scale';
  • Where a proposal involves a change in ground levels or on sloping site include both existing and finished site and floor levels.

Statement and accompanying documents

The following statements can be combined into one document and do not have to be submitted as separate statements. It is however useful for each statement to be clearly defined under sub-headings or bullet points.

In certain circumstances, we may also ask for specific additional supporting information if considered necessary to determine the application.

Affordable Housing Statement

In urban areas - required for applications for residential development for 15 dwellings and above or with a site area of 0.5 hectares or more. In these circumstances the level of provision sought will be equivalent to 30% of the total number of dwellings proposed, in accordance with Policy 7(a) of the adopted Central Lancashire Core Strategy.

In rural areas- required for applications for residential development for 10 dwellings or more or with a site area of 0.5 hectares or more. In these circumstances the level of provision sought will be equivalent to 35% of the total number of dwellings proposed, in accordance with Policy 7(a) of the adopted Central Lancashire Core Strategy.

At least 25% of all affordable housing must be "First Homes", thereafter the tenure mix should accord with the Central Lancashire Supplementary Planning Document 1: Affordable Housing.

The Central Lancashire Supplementary Planning Document 1: Affordable Housing states that where an element of affordable housing is required, at least 70% of the units shall be social rented or affordable rented, unless the Council is satisfied that an alternative mix meets an independently assessed proven need and agrees to such alternative provision.

Applicants are advised to contact the Council's Affordable Homes Officer to discuss type/tenure prior to the submission of a planning application. Details of the affordable type/tenure/number will be required to be submitted as part of the affordable housing statement.

If applicants do not think that housing schemes would be viable at the levels set out above, a financial appraisal/viability report (to include such matters as land acquisition costs, build costs, sales values, fees etc) must be submitted with the planning application. When preparing the appraisal/report, you should remove any personal data you do not want published on our website. We will arrange an independent audit of your appraisal/report, the fee of which will need to be met by the applicant.

Please refer to the Viability Appraisal section below.

An appraisal for an Agricultural Workers Dwelling should contain the following information:

  • Details of the applicant's land holding and holding number(s). Information should be given regarding the tenure of any land utilised, including a schedule of land owned and rented on an O.S. Map.
  • A full description of the agricultural/rural activities carried out on site, including the scale of each activity.
  • When a planning application relates to an existing farm, a schedule should be provided with an accompanying numbered plan of the existing buildings that also clearly demonstrates their use.
  • Details of the workers employed by the business, with information specifying whether they are full or part time, as well as their main work responsibilities.
  • Details of existing dwellings on the site where the agricultural workers dwelling is proposed, in addition to demonstrating whether or not this dwelling is in the applicant's ownership/occupation.
  • Details of any dwellings owned or sold by the applicant within the past 5-years which are located off the proposed site but within a 5-mile radius of the land holding.
  • The location and nature of occupation of any dwellings occupied by workers employed by the business.
  • Financial details of the business for which the proposed dwelling is required. Please note that for existing enterprises this will require the submission of the most recent three years' accounts (audited where possible). If the application relates to a new enterprise, or the expansion of an existing enterprise, a whole farm budget (consisting of projected profit and loss accounts) covering each of the years that this temporary period is proposed should be provided.
  • A clear justification/reason for the provision of a new dwelling. This should include information regarding the essential need for the dwelling, as well as clear justification and reasoning for the design, siting and scale of the proposed dwelling.

An appraisal for an Agricultural Buildingshould contain the following information:

  • Details of the applicant's land holding and holding number(s). Information should be given regarding the tenure of any land utilised, including a schedule of land owned and rented on an O.S. Map.
  • A full description of the agricultural/rural activities carried out on site, including the scale of each activity.
  • When a planning application relates to an existing farm, a schedule should be provided with an accompanying numbered plan of the existing buildings that also clearly demonstrates their use. This should include derelict/disused buildings, and where applicable, reasoning as to why these buildings would not be suitable for the purposes outlined for the proposed agricultural building.
  • Justification/reasons for the provision of a new building, providing information regarding need, design and siting.
  • Information regarding the position of dwellings in or around the area of the proposed agricultural building, whether or not these dwelling are under the ownership/occupied by the applicant.

The Agricultural Land Classification assesses the quality of farmland to enable informed choices to be made about its future use within the planning system.

Agricultural Land Classification uses a grading system to assess and compare the quality of agricultural land at national, regional and local levels.

It assesses the potential for land to support different agricultural uses, such as growing crops for food. It does not consider the land's current use and intensity of use. There are five grades of agricultural land, with Grade 3 subdivided into 3a and 3b.

The best and most versatile land is defined as Grades 1, 2 and 3a.

For more information visit GOV.UK - Guide to assessing development proposals on agricultural land.

Air Quality Assessment

Required for applications where:

  • the development is proposed inside, or adjacent to an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA); or
  • there is potential for air quality issues that may affect a European/Internationally or Nationally designated site within a 10km radius of the proposal.

Whether air quality is relevant to a planning decision will depend on the proposed development and its location.

Concerns could arise if the development is likely to have an adverse effect on air quality in areas where it is already known to be poor, particularly if it could affect the implementation of air quality strategies and action plans and/or breach legal obligations (including those relating to the conservation of habitats and species).

Air quality may also be a material consideration if the proposed development would be particularly sensitive to poor air quality in its vicinity.

In addition to the mandatory minimum information requirements set out within the national requirements above, the Local Planning Authority will also require the following information:

a) A draft biodiversity gain plan (prepared in accordance with British Standard BS8683 Process for designing and implementing biodiversity net gain - specifications);

b) A draft habitat management and monitoring plan;

c) Completed biodiversity metric with completed post development data;

d) Where off-site mitigation is proposed, information of the off-site provision including Site Register Details.

For outline planning applications only, an overall gain plan is required as opposed to the Draft biodiversity net gain plan.

In submitting the biodiversity metric, there are two types of metric tools to choose from.

The Statutory Biodiversity Metric can be used for all developments subject to the biodiversity condition. Alternatively, the Small Sites Biodiversity Metric can be used for developments which do not fall within the category of major development as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

Small Sites Biodiversity Metric can be used for the following development proposals:

  • Residential development where the number of dwellings is between one and nine on a site of an area of one hectare or less, or if the number of dwellings is unknown, the site area is less than 0.5 hectares;
  • Commercial development where the floor space proposed to be created is less than 1,000 square metres or the total site area is less than one hectare.

The Small Sites Biodiversity Metric cannot be used on sites where the following are present:

  • Priority habitats (excluding some hedgerows and arable field margins);
  • Protected sites; and
  • European protected species (i.e. Great Crested Newts)

The completed Statutory Biodiversity Metric or Statutory Small Site Biodiversity Metric should not include any red boxes in order to be validated for the discharge of the general biodiversity net gain pre-commencement condition.

If any errors are present within the Metric flagging system, these will need to be resolved before the application can be validated. Exceptions may be applicable for sites impacting irreplaceable habitats where bespoke compensation is required.        

Details of the bespoke compensation will need to be provided in order for the application to be validated.

All biodiversity metrics will need to be completed by a suitably qualified ecologist. Further information is available on GOV.UK - Calculate biodiversity value with the statutory biodiversity metric.

Biodiversity Survey and Report

Required for developments which impact upon:

  • Biological Heritage Sites;
  • Geological Heritage Sites;
  • Wildlife Corridors;
  • Red Scar and Tun Brook Site of Special Scientific Interest;
  • Ribble and Alt Estuaries Special Protection Area/Ramsar site, including the Ribble Estuary SSSI and the National Nature Reserve;
  • Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Impact Risk Zones (IRZs).


Development which is likely to affect the habitat of protected species, species included on the Section 41 of the National Environment and Rural Communities 2006 list and priority habitats and species, including:

  • Barn conversions;
  • Demolition;
  • Work affecting roofs or roof spaces;
  • Removal of trees and hedgerows;
  • Ecology consultation zones.

Surveys over 24 months old will be considered out of date and a new survey will be required.

Planning authorities need to consider the potential impacts of development on protected and priority species, and the scope to avoid or mitigate any impacts when considering planning applications.

Information on biodiversity and geodiversity impacts and opportunities needs to inform all stages of development (including site selection and design, pre-application consultation and the application itself).

An ecological survey will be necessary in advance of a planning application if the type and location of development could have a significant impact on biodiversity and existing information is lacking or inadequate.

Even where an Environmental Impact Assessment is not needed, it might still be appropriate to undertake an ecological survey, for example, where protected species may be present or where biodiverse habitats may be lost. Hence, there may be some cases where the above Biodiversity Survey and Report is not necessary, but rather a survey to establish the presence of particular protected or priority species is required, such as amphibians or bats, with an accompanying report to explain how impacts can be avoided or mitigated.

An amphibian survey

An amphibian survey is required for development within 250m of a pond. If a pond is surrounded by existing development there would be no need for such a survey.

A bat survey

A bat survey is required for:

Conversion, modification, demolition or removal of buildings (including hotels, schools, hospitals, churches, commercial premises and derelict buildings) which are:

  • agricultural buildings (e.g.. farmhouses, barns and outbuildings) of traditional brick or stone construction and/or with exposed wooden beams;
  • buildings with weather boarding and/or hanging tiles that are within 200m of woodland and/or water;
  • pre-1960 detached buildings and structures within 200m of woodland and/or water;
  • pre-1914 buildings within 400m of woodland and/or water;
  • pre-1914 buildings with gable ends or slate roofs, regardless of location;
  • located within, or immediately adjacent to woodland and/or immediately adjacent to water;
  • Dutch barns or livestock buildings with a single skin roof and board-and- gap or Yorkshire boarding if, following a preliminary roost assessment the site appears to be particularly suited to bats.
  • Proposals affecting buildings where protected species are known to be present;
  • Proposals affecting roofs or roof space;
  • Proposals for floodlighting.

Amphibian and bat surveys over 24-months old will be considered out of date and a new survey will be required.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on some forms of development collected to help deliver infrastructure improvements relating to matters such as transport, education, health and leisure. CIL is charged on a £s per square metre basis (gross internal floorspace).

The levy was introduced on 30 September 2013 and relates to planning permission issued from that date.

The Planning Application Additional Information Form (available from the Planning Portal website) will assist in determining whether a development may be liable for CIL.

Please refer to the Council's Charging Schedule which sets out which developments are liable for CIL and the rate per square metre.

A Crime Impact Statement (CIS) can assist in adapting development to avoid/reduce the adverse effects of crime and disorder and can help to allay public fears about a development that could be brought about by lack of information.

The CIS can be incorporated into an accompanying Design and Access Statement, but will need to include:

  • an assessment of crime and disorder issues in the vicinity of the development site;
  • an assessment of the development proposal in terms of its likely impact on crime and disorder;
  • suggested design solutions that will reduce the proposal's vulnerability to crime and disorder (for example consideration given to design, layout, and hours of use); and
  • information on the consideration of achieving Secured By Design accreditation.

For the purpose of this checklist commercial uses comprise: Class E

a) shops

b) restaurants

c) financial services, professional services and other similar uses in the commercial, business and service industry

d) indoor sport, recreation and fitness

e) medical and health services

f) day nursery, creche or day centre

g) offices, research and development and light industrial.

Class B2 (General Industrial); and Class B8 (Storage and Distribution). There may be occasions when the uses are developed jointly as part of one application and if the cumulative floorspace exceeds 1000 square metres a statement will be required.

Calico Enterprise Ltd, part of the Calico Group, can assist in the production of an Employment Skills Statement (ESS). Calico Enterprise Ltd have been appointed by the Council to provide external expert advice and support to the Council to assist in the implementation and monitoring of the Central Lancashire Employment and Skills SPD in Preston. Calico Enterprise Ltd can be contacted by phone: 07966 806831 or by email:

Alternatively an independently produced ESS will be assessed by Calico Enterprise Ltd.

The cost of assessing each independently produced ESS will be £250 + VAT and this will be borne by the applicant. Should planning permission be granted monitoring fees to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted ESS will be secured by way of a Section 106 Obligation.

An Employment Skills Statement (ESS) should identify skills shortages within the surrounding area, and outline opportunities arising from the proposed scheme.

The statement should cover the following:

  • Creation of apprenticeships/new entrants/graduates/traineeships
  • Recruitment through Job Hub and Jobcentre plus and other local employment vehicles.
  • Work trials and interview guarantees
  • Vocational training (NVQ)
  • Work experience (14-16 years, 16-19 years and 19+ years) (5 working days minimum)
  • Links with schools, colleges and university
  • Use of local suppliers
  • Supervisor Training
  • Management and Leadership Training
  • In house training schemes
  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Cards
  • Support with transport, childcare and work equipment
  • Community based projects

Energy Efficiency Statement

Required for:

  • All full applications for non-residential development of 500 sqm or more.

*For applications where there is insufficient detail to calculate energy efficiency (for example where all matters are reserved, or where access only is applied for), a letter of intent will be required. In these cases, compliance with the required energy efficiency standards will be a condition of any planning permission granted and the necessary energy efficiency calculations will need to accompany the relevant reserved matters application.

Policy 27 requires all new build non-residential developments of 500 sqm or more should achieve energy efficiency levels of BREEAM 'Very Good' (or where possible, in urban areas, 'Excellent').

Existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels

Required for applications:

  • Where a proposal involves a change in ground levels - drawings should be submitted to show both existing and finished site and floor levels;
  • On sloping sites - information is required concerning alterations to levels, the way in which a proposal sits within the site and in particular the relative levels between existing and proposed land and buildings.

These should:

  • Be drawn to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100;
  • Show a cross section through the proposed building(s) and/or land; and
  • Demonstrate how the proposed building(s) relates to existing site levels and to neighbouring development (with levels related to a fixed datum point off site).

Heritage Statement

Required for applications proposing:

  • Alterations to or demolition of a listed building or building(s) within a conservation area;
  • Alterations or new development affecting the setting of a listed building;
  • New development within or affecting the character of a conservation area;
  • Works to a historic park or garden;
  • Works affecting any known or suspected archaeological site;
  • Works to or demolition of a non-designated heritage asset.

Applicants are expected to describe in their application the 'significance' of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting (National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 194). In doing so, applicants should include analysis of the significance of the asset and its setting, and, where relevant, how this has informed the development of the proposals.

The level of detail should be proportionate to the asset's importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on its significance.

Land Quality Assessment

Required for applications where:

  • Contamination is known or suspected;
  • Development is proposed on previously developed land;
  • Development is proposed within 250m of a current or former landfill site;
  • The proposed use would be particularly vulnerable to ground contaminants (for example allotments, residential development, schools or hospitals).

A land quality assessment must be carried out by a competent person.

Failing to deal adequately with contamination can cause harm to human health, property and the wider environment. It can also limit or preclude new development; and undermine compliance with the Water Environment Regulations 2017.

Responsibility for securing a safe development rests with the developer and/or landowner. However, local planning authorities should be satisfied that a proposed development will be appropriate for its location and not pose an unacceptable risk.

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) are a key tool to determine the potential impacts planning applications and decisions may have on the landscape. This is achieved by subjectively identifying and assessing the existing landscape and measuring the potential effect new developments may have on views and visual amenity within the landscape itself.

The current Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (2013) have been produced by the Landscape institute and provide the industry benchmark for carrying out these assessments.

In accordance with Core Strategy Policy 10 the Council expects employment sites and premises to be actively marketed for 12 months before a proposal for residential development will be considered.

Details of the requirements of a marketing strategy are provided as an appendix to the Council's Supplementary Planning Document: Controlling the Re-use of Employment Premises.

A Marketing Report is not required for those sites which are classed as "other", in the Central Lancashire Employment Land Study - Update February 2022.

A table showing which employment sites are classed as "other" is available in the Planning Policy Evidence Library.

The Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocation and Development Management Policies Local Plan was adopted by Lancashire County Council in September 2013.

The Plan contains, amongst other things, Policy M2 - Safeguarding Minerals. The geographic application of Policy M2 is expressed on the adopted Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Policies Map 2: Mineral Safeguarding Areas, and can be viewed on Lancashire County Council's interactive mapping website MARIO.

The purpose of Policy M2 is to prevent the needless sterilisation of mineral resources from non- mineral development. It does not support any form of development that is incompatible by reason of scale, proximity and permanence with the working of minerals unless certain criteria can be met.

All applications within these areas should include an assessment to specify whether there are minerals present and, if so, whether it is practicable or sustainable to extract them.

The assessment should confirm:

  • the depth of overburden;
  • the quantity and quality of any mineral present;
  • the height of the water table;
  • the proximity and nature of any surrounding land uses; and
  • the size of the site.

The level of detail should be appropriate to the scale and nature of the proposed development and informed by desk based or intrusive surveys.

Noise Impact Assessment

Required for applications which:

  • Introduce a noise source (including vibration) which may cause a loss of amenity;
  • Introduce a noise sensitive development in an existing noisy area or in close proximity to major infrastructure (such as railways, major roads and motorways);
  • Introduce a noise sensitive development adjacent to or in close proximity to an existing use, where the operation of an existing business or facility could have a significant adverse effect on the proposed development;
  • Introduce a noise source, which may effect international, national and locally designated sites of importance of biodiversity.

The noise impact assessment should be prepared by a suitably qualified acoustician and should include details of existing and proposed noise measurements and, where appropriate, mitigation measures. Where the operation of an existing business or facility could have a significant adverse effect on the proposed development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant is required to propose suitable mitigation within the assessment.

The odour assessment should be prepared by a suitably qualified odour consultant and should provide an odour modelling assessment of the potential impacts of the existing use upon proposed odour sensitive development.

Where pre-application discussion, policy or guidance notes give details of likely section 106 obligations, either a draft section 106 obligation based on the Local Planning Authority's precedent or a detailed statement of the proposed Heads of Terms should be submitted with the application.

Applicants should be aware that there will be a fee which the applicant will need to pay to the Council's Legal and Democratic Services on completion of a Section 106 obligation.

It is essential that the need for such obligations is identified at an early stage in proceedings in order to avoid any unnecessary delay.

The likely content of section 106 obligations should be discussed and agreed prior to a planning application being submitted and where Heads of Terms relate to financial payments the exact amounts need to be agreed in advance of a scheme being reported to the Planning Committee. For major developments obligations are likely to relate to, but may not be limited to, affordable housing, primary and secondary school places, off-site highway improvements/infrastructure, sustainable transport improvements/measures, maintenance and management of open space.

Planning Statement

Required for:

  • major developments;
  • developments not in accordance with the development plan;
  • when requested in association with pre-application advice;
  • other developments which require a detailed understanding of relevant planning policy.

The submission of a supporting planning statement provides you with the opportunity to present your case for a proposal to be granted planning permission.

The statement should provide an overview of the issues raised and refer to all relevant planning considerations. It should identify the context and need for a proposed development and include an assessment of how the proposed development accords with relevant national, regional and local planning policies, in addition to explaining the benefits of the proposed development, such as job creation, the provision of community facilities or high levels of sustainability.

The Planning Statement can be used to draw together and combine all other statements in one document, as opposed to submitting a series of separate statements.

If this approach is taken, for ease of reference it would be useful if each statement is clearly defined under sub-headings or bullet points. In certain circumstances, the Council may also ask for specific additional supporting information if considered necessary to determine the application.

Any proposal for replacement dwellings within the Open Countryside, Areas of Separation or Forest of Bowland National Landscape (formerly AONB) should be accompanied by a statement setting out how the proposal accords with Supplementary Planning Document 3: Rural Development.

The submitted statement shall include full details of the volume calculations (in cubic metres) of the 'original' property and the volume calculations of the proposal. 'Original property'refers to the dwelling/property as of 1 July 1948, or as first constructed. It does not include the volume of any outbuildings within the curtilage of the property.

The self-build or custom-build housing Pro-forma is a requirement for any proposal for residential development which will be a self-build or custom build development.

The Pro-forma requires the applicant to confirm their proposed self-build or custom-build development will meet the legal definitions of self-build and custom build housing as set out in the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015.

You can view a copy of the Council's Self-build or custom-build housing pro-forma.

The statement should set out how the applicant has complied with the guidance for pre- application consultation set out in the Local Planning Authority's adopted statement of community involvement and should demonstrate that the views of the local community have been sought and taken into account in the formulation of development proposals.

Structural Survey

Required for applications involving:

  • the rebuilding or re-use of buildings, such as barn conversions, or listed buildings and other historic buildings;
  • substantial or total demolition of listed buildings or buildings within a conservation area
  • non-designated heritage assets.

This will be required to demonstrate how the building fabric is capable of adaptation without rebuilding and to ensure that appropriate working methods are employed to safeguard the fabric of the building.

The survey should include photographs as appropriate.

This will be required to:

1. Demonstrate evidence of demand for the proposed size and type of student accommodation taking account of:

a) existing provision of purpose-built student accommodation;

b) approved and under construction purpose-built student accommodation; and

c) current and future demand for purpose-built student accommodation.

2. Provides evidence of consultation and engagement undertaken with UCLan in the formulation of the development proposed.

A student is defined as any person enrolled at the University of Central Lancashire or other educational establishment on a full time basis or part time basis whether for a full academic year or for part of a semester (including students temporarily seconded from other universities and overseas students) or, during University vacations only, by delegates attending conferences, exhibitions, courses, training, graduations, conferences and other events which are taking place at the University or other educational establishments.

A Sustainable Drainage Strategy is required to demonstrate:

  • How the risks identified, and recommendations made within the (Site Specific) Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) have been fully incorporated into the drainage design for the development;
  • How surface water is intended to be managed in the development, to minimise the risk of flooding to and from the site. It is a principle of development that a development can be sustainably drained.

As a minimum, the SuDS Strategy must include:

  • The overall approach to SuDS and evidence the approach to surface water management. For example; plans, drawings, calculations etc;
  • Details of the drainage design, construction phases, management of SuDS during and after development, maintenance schedule for SuDS components and any adoption arrangements;
  • Details of the pre-development and proposed runoff rates and volumes must be included in the SuDS strategy and it must take account of any requirements identified in the Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment.
  • Details of the potential impacts of water level and quality changes on any wetland or water sensitive designated sites where relevant.

Lancashire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority for Preston offer a pre-application advice service for Site Specific Flood Risk Assessments and Sustainable Drainage Strategies.

The Sustainable Drainage Pro-forma is a requirement for any application for major development. It supports applicants in summarising and confirming how surface water from a development will be managed sustainably under current and future conditions.

Further information/policy background

  • The Flood Hub

Tall Building Impact Assessment

Required for applications proposing:

  • buildings which would be six storeys or more in height (or the equivalent of);
  • buildings which would be significantly higher than surrounding buildings;
  • structures which could have a significant impact on their surroundings due to their height.

This can be incorporated into the design section of the design and access statement or can be a standalone document.

The impact assessment should follow the criteria for evaluation of tall building proposals set out in Historic England's Advice Note 4: Tall Buildings (March 2022) and should include:

  • Accurate and realistic representations of the proposal;
  • Consideration of the character of surrounding areas and the settings of heritage assets;
  • Consideration of impact on significant views;
  • Consideration of impact on townscape and public realm;
  • Other relevant environmental issues, particularly sustainability and environmental performance, e.g. the street level wind environment.

The Tall Building Impact Assessment should also include consideration of the buildings:

  • Scale;
  • Form and massing;
  • Proportion and silhouette;
  • Facing materials;
  • Detailed surface design;
  • Relationship to other structures;
  • Impact on streetscape and near views;
  • Impact on cityscape and distant views; and
  • Impact on the skyline.

In addition to existing and proposed plans and elevations, all applications for telecommunications equipment should be accompanied by the following:

  • A statement of compliance with ICNIRP guidelines
  • Evidence of an assessment of alternative sites and/or mast sharing
  • An explanation as to why the installation is needed
  • The results of pre-application discussions.

Where new telecommunications masts are proposed to be located alongside the Strategic Road Network in a position that is a distance away from the highway boundary that is less than the above-ground height of the mast, then the application must include an Stage 1 Road Safety Audit and a Road Restraints Risk Assessment Process (RRRAP) completed in accordance with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.

The coverage and detail of the TA should reflect the scale of the development and the extent of the transport implications of the proposal.

For major proposals, the TA should contain the following:

  • Information about the proposed development, including site layout;
  • Information about neighbouring uses and existing functional classification of the nearby road network;
  • Data about existing public transport provision, including provision/frequency of services and proposed public transport changes;
  • A qualitative and quantitative description of the travel characteristics of the proposed development, including movements across all modes of transport that would result from the development and in the vicinity of the site;
  • An assessment of trips from all directly relevant committed development in the area;
  • Data about current traffic flows on links and at junctions within the study area of the TA;
  • An analysis of the injury accident records on the public highway in the vicinity of the site access for the most recent three year period, of five year period if the proposed site has been identified as within a high accident area;
  • An assessment of the likely associated environmental impacts of transport related to the development;
  • Measures to improve the accessibility of the location where these are necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
  • A description of parking facilities in the area and the parking strategy of the development;
  • Ways of encouraging environmental sustainability by reducing the need to travel; and
  • Measures to mitigate the residual impacts of the development.

For smaller schemes, the TA should simply outline the transport aspects of the application (unless otherwise previously agreed with the LPA).

Where development proposals require work within the Strategic Road Network boundary (for example motorways and slip roads) an agreed Stage 1 Road Safety Audit and confirmation from National Highways (formerly Highways England) should also be provided within the application submission.

Pre-application engagement with the highway's authority (Lancashire County Council) and, where an application may impact on the Strategic Road Network, National Highways (formerly Highways England), is encouraged.

Further information and the full details of planning and the strategic road network requirements can be found on the National Highways website.

Travel Plans should identify the specific required outcomes, targets and measures, and set out clear future monitoring and management arrangements all of which should be proportionate. They should also consider what additional measures may be required to offset unacceptable impacts if the targets should not be met.

Travel Plans should set explicit outcomes rather than just identify processes to be followed (such as encouraging active travel or supporting the use of low emission vehicles). They should address all journeys resulting from a proposed development by anyone who may need to visit or stay and they should seek to fit in with wider strategies for transport in the area.

They should evaluate and consider:

  • benchmark travel data including trip generation databases;
  • Information concerning the nature of the proposed development and the forecast level of trips by all modes of transport likely to be associated with the development;
  • relevant information about existing travel habits in the surrounding area;
  • proposals to reduce the need for travel to and from the site via all modes of transport; and
  • provision of improved public transport services.

They may also include:

  • parking strategy options (if appropriate - and having regard to national policy on parking standards and the need to avoid unfairly penalising motorists); and
  • proposals to enhance the use of existing, new and improved public transport services and facilities for cycling and walking both by users of the development and by the wider community (including possible financial incentives).

A draft Travel Plan would be suitable for speculative development (with a full Travel Plan to follow once occupied), however if the end user is known, the Travel Plan should be suitably robust at application stage.

It should identify the Travel Plan coordinator, the management arrangements for the plan, for example a steering group and the development timetable.

The strategy should also include activities for marketing and promoting the plan to occupiers, users, visitors and residents of the site.

All trees and hedges on or adjacent to the proposed development site should be identified and appropriately annotated on the Site/Block plan. Where the development has the potential to adversely affect trees or hedges, both within and adjacent to the application site, a Tree Survey / Arboricultural Assessment should be undertaken by a suitably qualified arborist.

For the arboricultural implications and method statements, all sections of the British Standard 5837 should be addressed.

A topographical survey should indicate current and proposed levels showing all trees on the plan and all features listed in the latest edition of BS5837 Section 4.1.

Information will be required on which trees are to be retained and on the means of protecting those trees during construction works. For a tree protection plan all temporary fencing, ground protection and other physical means of protection should be identified.

The existing and proposed drainage, soak away and service runs should also be plotted on the tree protection plan, site plan and landscaping plan.

Where any proposal may impact upon ancient woodland, the assessment should take into consideration of Natural England and the Forestry Commission standing advice:

Trees can provide habitats for protected species and therefore, in addition to the tree survey / arboricultural impact assessment, an ecology survey may also be required.

Further information on the requirement for ecology surveys is set out in the 'Biodiversity Survey and Report' section above.

Ventilation / Extraction Details

Required for applications proposing:

  • the use of premises for where hot food will be prepared (public house/ wine bar, restaurant, café, hot food takeaway etc);
  • Significant retail, business, industrial or leisure or other similar developments where substantial ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed, or will be required to be installed.

Details of the position and design of ventilation and extraction equipment, including odour abatement techniques and acoustic noise characteristics, will be required to accompany all applications for the use of premises as a restaurant or cafe, public house/wine bar or hot food takeaway.

This information (excluding odour abatement techniques unless specifically required) will also be required for significant retail, business, industrial or leisure or other similar developments where substantial ventilation or extraction equipment is proposed to be installed.

Plans, elevation drawings and details of external materials will be required for all external flues and equipment.

It is up to the applicant to demonstrate whether particular circumstances justify the need for a viability assessment at the application stage.

The National Planning Practice Guidance sets out the government's recommended approach to viability assessment for planning.

Any viability assessment should follow the government's recommended approach to assessing viability as set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance. When preparing the assessment, you should be aware all viability assessments will be made available to view on the Council's website, therefore a redacted copy should also be submitted removing any sensitive information and any personal data you do not want published on our website.

In circumstances where professional, impartial advice is required to appraise and assess the viability assessment (whether provided by a professional within the Council or by an independent consultant) these fees must be paid for by the applicant.

This should be discussed in more detail with the case officer.

The assessment should demonstrate you have maximised planning contributions as far as is viable.

The assessment should:

  • generate a residual land value,
  • include a benchmark land value against which the viability of the development can be assessed,
  • include evidence to support all values and costs included in the assessment, including the benchmark land value,
  • identify and justify all the assumptions used in the viability assessment model,
  • provide a viability assessment model capable of full interrogation by the Council and its advisors.

The following information should be provided in a written statement or provided in template G of the Council's Waste Storage and Collection Guidance for Domestic and Commercial Developments:

  • The number, type and size of containers and how this has been calculated;
  • Bin storage area - shown on the proposed layout plan, plus how occupants will transfer waste to the storage area, and subsequently from the storage area to collection points;
  • Bin collection arrangements - points on the adoptable highway and the route for collection vehicles.

A written statement or the completed template can be included within a Design and Access Statement or Planning Statement as appropriate.

Further information and a blank version of template H can be found in the Council's Waste Storage and Collection Guidance for Domestic and Commercial Developments (PDF, 1 MB).

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