Business Advice
If you are thinking of setting up a business in Preston, looking to expand, need support with recruitment and training or require financial support, the information below provides an overview of where to go to find business advice and support in the following areas:
Preston City Council funded business support projects
To find out about current business support projects funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for Preston businesses visit Invest Preston - Business support projects funded by Preston City Council.
Start-up support
If you're looking to kick start a business in Preston, you can find a range of local business advice and support services to help you get established, alongside financial support options and other useful information to help you set up successfully by visiting Invest Preston - business start up support.
Financial support (loans and grants)
To find out about current local and national financial support available to help kick start a new business or assist in growing and developing an existing business visit Invest Preston - business finance support.
Development support
If you have an existing business and are looking to grow and develop it further, you can find a range of local help and advice, plus funding options and other useful information to assist you in driving forward with your business and taking it to the next level by visiting Invest Preston - business development support.
Recruitment, apprenticeships, and training support
For advice and support around recruitment and apprenticeships to help you find the right employees to help make your business a success, plus assistance around upskilling your staff and improving skills within your team visit Invest Preston - business training and recruitment support.
Women in business support
Are you a woman looking to start or develop your business? To find out about a range of local and national support services to help you on your new venture or take it to the next level visit Invest Preston - women in business support.
Digital marketing support
Want to delve deeper into digital marketing to help promote your business and generate more sales, but don't know where to begin? Get support to help you get started by visiting Invest Preston - free digital marketing business support.
Reduce your carbon emissions
For local and national support to reduce your businesses carbon footprint and go green visit Invest Preston - reduce your carbon emissions.
Find a premises or workspace
For a list of sites and property of industrial units, offices, shops and employment land within the city see Preston City Council Property search.
Find office space
If you're looking for a smaller workspace to do business, the city offers a range of high quality modern office spaces in a variety of desirable locations across the city. To find out more visit Invest Preston - office space and workspace in Preston.
Local business networks
There are a variety of business networking groups in and around Preston, which make great opportunities to promote your business and gain useful contacts. To find out current networking groups in Preston visit Invest Preston - business networks.
Local business events
To find out what business events, expos, conferences and exhibitions are happening in and around the city visit Invest Preston - business events.
For wider events taking place around Lancashire visit Boost Lancashire - Events.
The North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce also host a number of free events and training alongside their paid for events. For details visit Lancs Chamber - events.
Preston business e-newsletter sign up
Keep up to date with the latest business news, events, blogs and latest developments in and around the city with our Preston Business eNewsletter:
City business and investment news
You can also keep up to date with latest news from the local business community by visiting Invest Preston - business blogs.