Council spending over £250 - 2020/2021

Council spending over £250 - 2020/2021
Here you can find details of all our spending over £250 from April 2020 and for the remainder of the financial year 2020/2021.
Information has been excluded from publication where:
- the information is exempt from publication under the data protection act
- the information relates to the protection of vulnerable adults or children
- the information is confidential or would attract an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act e.g. where disclosure could be prejudicial to the commercial interests of any person including the authority
We aim to publish this information monthly and no later than 30 days after the month end.
Open Government Licence
This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence.
When you use this information under the Open Government Licence, you should include the following attribution: [Spending over £250, Preston City Council, (insert relevant date)], licensed under the National Archives - Open Government Licence.
Council spending over £250 for 2020/21 can be found in the documents below.
March 2021
- March 2021 - spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 556 KB)
- March 2021 - spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 52 KB)
February 2021
- February 2021 - spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 464 KB)
- February 2021 - spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 38 KB)
January 2021
- January 2021 - spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 127 KB)
- January 2021 - spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 94 KB)
October to December 2020
- October to December 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 355 KB)
- October to December 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 251 KB)
September 2020
- September 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 202 KB)
- September 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 124 KB)
August 2020
- August 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 129 KB)
- August 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 93 KB)
July 2020
- July 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 155 KB)
- July 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 112 KB)
June 2020
- June 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 93 KB)
- June 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 74 KB)
May 2020
- May 2020 spending over £250 PDF (PDF, 168 KB)
- May 2020 spending over £250 Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.excelandcsv, 78 KB)