Making Spend Matter Toolkit - Transfer Network case studies

The Making Spend Matter Toolkit brings together guidance, lessons learned and recommendations from the Making Spend Matter Transfer Network to enable other cities and public organisations to take a more strategic approach to public procurement.
The Transfer Network Case studies make up step 4 of the 4 steps found in the toolkit. To find out about the other steps see our Making Spend Matter Toolkit.
Transfer Network case studies
The case studies below provide practical examples of how the Making Spend Matter partners have carried out the core transfer (basic spend analysis - or in Preston's case built on what they've already done) and elements of the optional transfer (advanced spend analysis, developing a strategic approach to public procurement, SME engagement and using social and environmental criteria) to adapt the Good Practice in their cities.
Each case study follows the same format, outlining the context of each city, why the activity is important to them, the barriers they faced, the activities they undertook, what worked well, what did not work so well, and lessons learned.