Past Mayors from 1700 - 1799

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The tradition of having a Mayor of Preston dates back to the Middle Ages when the city's first Charter (a document bestowing certain rights on a town) was granted by Henry II in 1179.

Preston's first recorded Mayor was called Aubrey, son of Robert, who took up his position in 1327. Although there is little other information about him, it is thought that he was a wealthy businessman of his time and was chosen to be Mayor by a select few wealthy associates, the majority of local people had no say in the matter.

Nowadays, the Mayor has to be a Preston city councillor, meaning that local people have voted for them to represent their communities.

Mayors from 1700 - 1799

Below is a table of past Mayors ranging from 1700 - 1799. You will find the most up to date list of Mayors on the background to the Mayor of Preston page.

* Denotes Guild Mayor

John Grimshaw1799
Edward Robert Travis (Travers)1798
John Fallowfield1797
James Moore1796
Henry Walshman1795
James Pedder1794
Robinson Shuttleworth1793
William Prichard (Pritchard)1792
Thomas Greaves1791
Edward Pedder1790
William Green1789
John Grimshaw1788
Thomas Cowburn1787
Richard Atherton1786
Bartholomew Davis1785
Ralph Watson (Rd. Watson)1784
William Green1783
John Grimshaw1782
Richard Atherton* 1781-82
Bartholomew Davis1780
Thomas Pedder1779
Ralph Watson1778
James Cowburn1777
Edward Pedder1776
Thomas Grimshaw (J. Grimshaw)1775
Bartholomew Davis1774
Richard Atherton1773
Ralph Watson1772
James Cowburn1771
Edward Pedder (Thomas Walmsley)1770
Richard Assheton1769
Thomas Grimshaw1768
Robert Moss1767
Joseph Myers1766
William Prichard (Pritchard)1765
Richard Assheton1764
Edward Pedder1763
Thomas Jackson1762
Robert Parker* 1761-62
Lawrence Rawstorne1760
William Prichard (Pritchard)1759
James Bolton1758
Robert Hesketh (Roger Hesketh)1757
Richard Pedder1756
Richard Shepherd1755
Thomas Starkie (J. Starkie)1754
William Prichard1753
Robert Parker1752
James Bolton1751
Lawrence Rawsthorne1750
Thomas Astley1749
Richard Pedder1748
Richard Shepherd1747
Thomas Starkie1746
James Derbyshire1745
William Harrison1744
William Prichard1743
John Walshman1742
Henry Farington* 1741-42
Lawrence Rawsthorne (Rawstorne)1740
John Ravald1739
William Atherton1738
Edmund Assheton1737
Henry Farington1736
Richard Addison (Nicholas Eddison)1735
John Myers1734
John Clayton1733
William Atherton1732
Sir Edward Stanley, bart.1731
Lawrence Wall1730
Edmund Ashton (Assheton)1729
Joseph Curtis1728
Richard Addison1727
John Myers1726
Thomas Garlicke1725
John Clayton1724
John Thornton1723
Lawrence Wall1722
Edmund Assheton* 1721-22
William Graddwell1720
George Lamplugh1719
Richard Casson1718
Joseph Curtis1717
Robert Chaddocks1716
William Lemon1715
Lawrence Wall1714
Edmund Assheton1713
Ralph Assheton1712
William Graddwell (Gladwell)1711
George Lamplugh1710
John Loxham1709
George Addison1708
Roger Sudell1707
John Chorley1706
Thomas Winckley1705
John Atherton1704
William Lemon1703
Geoffrey Rishton1702
Josias Gregson* 1701-02
George Addison1700

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