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Past Mayors from 1999 to 1900

Preston lamb logo

The tradition of having a Mayor of Preston dates back to the Middle Ages when the city's first Charter (a document bestowing certain rights on a town) was granted by Henry II in 1179.

Preston's first recorded Mayor was called Aubrey, son of Robert, who took up his position in 1327. Although there is little other information about him, it is thought that he was a wealthy businessman of his time and was chosen to be Mayor by a select few wealthy associates, the majority of local people had no say in the matter.

Nowadays, the Mayor has to be a Preston city councillor, meaning that local people have voted for them to represent their communities.

Mayors from 1999 to 1900

Below is a table of past Mayors ranging from 1900 to 1999. You will find the most up to date list of Mayors on the background to the Mayor of Preston page.

* Denotes Guild Mayor

Geoffrey Threlfall Swarbrick1999 - 2000
Rose Kinsella1998 - 1999
Henry Richard Evans, J.P.1997 - 1998
Ronald Philip Marshall1996 - 1997
Terence Cartwright1995 - 1996
Ian Whyte Hall, J.P1994 - 1995
Kenneth James Hudson, J.P.1993 - 1994
Harold Parker1992 - 1993
Mary Rawcliffe1991 - 1992
Albert James Richardson1990 - 1991
Ronald Ball1989 - 1990
Joseph Ward1988 - 1989
Gerard Walmsley1987 - 1988
Richard Atkinson1986 - 1987
Joan Ainscough1985 - 1986
Nancy Taylor1984 - 1985
Dorothy Eileen Chaloner, J.P.1983 - 1984
Joseph Saul Pownall1982 - 1983
Mildred Doris Scowcroft1981 - 1982
Robert Edward Butcher1980 - 1981
Dennis Kehoe1979 - 1980
Arthur Clifford Taylor1978 - 1979
Joseph Hood, C.B.E., J.P.1977 - 1978
Harold Parker1976 - 1977
Robert Weir1975 - 1976
Ian Whyte Hall, J.P.1974 - 1975
Catherine Sharples, D.L.,J.P1973 -  1974

Joseph Frederick Gray Thomas Dewhurst

* 1972 - 1973
Thomas Dewhurst1971 - 1972
Rita Lytton1970 - 1971
John Brigg1969 - 1970
Doris Martin Dewhurst1968 - 1969
Ernest W. Bunker1967 - 1968
Joseph Holden1966 - 1967
William Beckett1965 - 1966
Joseph Lund1964 - 1965
Cyril Evan Molyneux1963 - 1964
James Atkinson1962 - 1963
Fred Irvine1961 - 1962
Wilfrid J. Conroy1960 - 1961
Florrie Hoskin1959 - 1960
Mary Ann Wignall1958 - 1959
William Charles Hearn1957 - 1958
Edgar Hewitt1956 - 1957
James Henery1955 - 1956
Joseph Frederick Gray1954 - 1955
Thomas Singleton1953 - 1954
John James Ward* 1952 - 1953
John William Taylor1951 - 1952
Matthew Williamson1950 - 1951
Frank Jamieson1949 - 1950
Reuben Ainsworth1948 - 1949
Reuben Ainsworth1947 - 1948
William Beckett1946 - 1947
Herbert Edmond Rhodes1945 - 1946
James Edward Gee1944 - 1945
Walter Gordon1943 - 1944
Robert Taylor Vity1942 - 1943
James Sidney Howarth1941 - 1942
John James Ward1940 - 1941
Water Ernest Morris1939 - 1940
Walter Ernest Morris1938 - 1939
Oswald Aleysius Goodier1937 - 1938
James Harrison1936 - 1937
Ernest Ley1935 - 1936
Robert Crompton Handley1934 - 1935
Avice Margaret Pimblett1933 - 1934
Thomas Hanson Crossfield Derham1932 - 1933
Thomas Clarkson Rainford1931 - 1932
Thomas Henry Atherton1930 - 1931
William Lucas1929 - 1930
William Lucas1928 - 1929
Richard Durham1927 - 1928
John Hunt1926 - 1927
Jeremiah Woolley1925 - 1926
John Roland Hodgson1924 - 1925
Frederick William Ford Matthew1923 - 1924
John Dewhurst1922 - 1923
Henry Astley-Bell* 1921 - 1922
Thomas Parkinson1920 - 1921
Thomas Parkinson1919 - 1920
Harry Cartmell1918 - 1919
Harry Cartmell1917 - 1918
Harry Cartmell1916 - 1917
Harry Cartmell1915 - 1916
Harry Cartmell1914 - 1915
Harry Cartmell1913 - 1914
William James Hayhurst1912 - 1913
Robert Shaw Simpson1911 - 1912
Nathaniel Miller1910 - 1911
Wm. McKune Margerison1909 - 1910
Daniel Walter Brown1908 - 1909
William Edward Ord1907 - 1908
William Edward Ord1906 - 1907
John Ormrod1905 - 1906
Wm. McKune Margerison1904 - 1905
James Craven1903 - 1904
Edward Greenwood1902 - 1903
Frederick Arthur Stanley (Earl of Derby)* 1901 - 1902
William Bryham Roper1900 - 1901

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