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Mayor of Preston to Make History

The Mayor, Councillor Borrow

The Mayor Councillor David Borrow

20 April 2020

The current Mayor of Preston, Councillor David Borrow, will be one of only three mayors in the past 100 years to serve the role in Preston for over a year.

Due to the current social distancing guidelines in place, council meetings at the Town Hall are currently cancelled and local elections have been postponed until 2021.

This means the Leader, Cabinet, Councillors and The Mayor will be kept in the same post for another year.

The role of Mayor of Preston is a tradition which we have records of dating back to 1327.

The Mayor acts as the City's first citizen, which mean they speak on behalf of the City.

The Mayor of Preston has to be a Preston City Councillor and is usually someone who has served for many years. They are to be selected to serve in office by their colleagues at Annual Council and will become the Mayor for a year.

The Current Mayor of Preston is Councillor David Borrow, who is the 692nd Mayor of Preston. In these unprecedented times, Councillor David Borrow will continue as the Mayor of Preston for a second year, until May 2021.

This is only the third time in recent history a Mayor has served for longer than the normal term of a year.

The previous two long term Mayors were during both world wars.

Lauded Prestonian Sir Harry Cartmell held the Mayoral title for six years from 1913 to 1919 throughout the First World War.

It then fell upon Reuben Ainsworth to take the reins for two years from 1947 to 1949 following the Second World War.

Adrian Phillips, Chief Executive of Preston City Council said:

"During these unprecedented circumstances exceptional decisions need to be made.

Preston City Council is focused on supporting the community, NHS and all Prestonians during these difficulty times.

Extending Councillor Borrow's time as the Mayor of Preston for another year will maintain a level of continuity as this difficult time.

It is humbling to see the people of Preston pull together at this crucial time and thank everyone for their efforts - whether that's staying at home, carrying on with their key worker roles or providing much needed care and support for our communities.

It is very much appreciated."

Further Information

  • During this emergency situation the Council is using the Chief Executive's emergency powers to make urgent decisions in line with the Council's Constitution and Procedures.
  • We are working with partners across the County to support the most vulnerable in our community who are facing difficulties, worries and loneliness as a result of Coronavirus (Covid-19).
    • If you are isolated by Covid-19 and need help please visit or ring 01772 906777 or email
  • Preston City Council actively applies and prioritises the principles of Community Wealth Building wherever applicable and appropriate. Community Wealth Building is an approach which aims to ensure the economic system builds wealth and prosperity for everyone.

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