Petitions - Easy Read document

Please download our Petitions easy read document (PDF, 159 KB) or view our page version below.

E-petitions can be open for people to sign for weeks or months, it is up to you.

Like with an e-petition, we have to check that a petition is valid. This means that it must have at least 50 signatures from people living, working or studying in the Preston Council area and the Council must be responsible for what ever the petition is asking.

If a petition is accepted, within 20 days of the petition being received, the Council will write to the petition organiser telling them what the Council is going to do with it.
The Council could:
- Do what the petition asks
- Discuss the petition at a Full Council meeting
- Hold a public meeting
- Refer the petition to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
- Something else

For more information please visit our full petition scheme page.
If you would like to discuss the petition scheme please contact Head of Member Services on 01772 906112 or email