Compliance visits - personal licence holders

During licensed compliance visits to premises that sell or serve alcohol, we are likely to ask to speak to the Personal Licence Holder(s).
What do we check?
When speaking to the personal licence holders, we will check:
1. Licence holder is carrying their personal licence
It is an offence for a personal licence holder not to produce their personal licence when requested to do so by an authorised officer or Police Constable.
If your personal licence has been lost, stolen or destroyed you will need to contact us for a duplicate. If it has been stolen you should also report it to the Police and obtain the Police log reference.
2. Details on the personal licence are current and correct
It is an offence for Personal Licence holders to fail to notify the Licensing Authority of a change of name or address.
To apply to change your details please visit GOV.UK - change of name or address - personal licence (you need to apply to the Authority that originally issued your Personal Licence).
3. That any relevant offences have been declared
Again it is an offence to fail to declare any legislation - relevant offences to the Licensing Authority upon conviction. It is also an offence to fail to declare to a Court that you are a Personal Licence Holder.
Typically officers will discuss a reasonable timescale for Personal Licence Holders to remedy any issues that have arisen as a result of the visit. However consideration will be given to formal action for more serious matters.