Objections - licensed premises

Any person or responsible authority can object to a Premises licence or variation of a premises licence to provide the sale of alcohol, entertainment or hot food and drink between 11pm and 5am.
For a list of current applications please visit the application notices and licence reviews page.
Who is considered a responsible authority?
- Police
- Fire and Rescue Service
- Environmental Protection
- Health and Safety at Work
- Planning
- Child Protection
- Trading Standards
- LCC Public Health Licensing
Consultation period
There is a consultation period of 28 days after an application is received.
This time allows objections to be made from all the responsible authorities detailed above:
If no objections are received during this time, the licence will be granted the day after the end of the consultation period.
Objection criteria
Objections must be based on the licence not meeting one or more of the following licensing objectives:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- prevention of public nuisance
- protection of children from harm
Making an Objection
If you wish to make an objection to an application, based on one or more of the criteria above, please email your representation, including your fully name, address and contact number to: licensing@preston.gov.uk
To see how we may use your information, please read our Privacy Policy.
If objections are made against the application, a hearing will be held within 20 working days from the end of the consultation period. The decision to grant or refuse the application will be decided by the Licensing Sub Committee.
If a hearing is held the licence can be:
- Granted
- Granted subject to additional conditions
- Refused
A decision will be made within five working days after the hearing. We will inform the applicant, along with the person who made the objection and the chief of police.
Appeal can be made if an application is refused.
Appeals must be made to a Magistrates court within 21 days of the decision being made.